
Note: This document has been translated from a part of the Japanese original for reference purposes only. In the event of any discrepancy between this translated document and the Japanese original, the original shall prevail. The Company assumes no responsibility for this translation or for direct, indirect or any other forms of damage arising from the translation.

Securities Code 5233 June 4, 2024 (Start Date of Measures for Electronic Provision: May 30, 2024)

To Those Stockholders with Voting Rights

Yoshifumi Taura

President and Representative Director

Taiheiyo Cement Corporation

1-1-1, Koishikawa, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo


You are cordially notified of the 26th Ordinary General Meeting of Stockholders of Taiheiyo Cement Corporation (the "Company"). The meeting will be held as stated below.

In convening this General Meeting of Stockholders, the Company has taken measures for electronic provision and matters subject to measures for electronic provision are posted on the following website.

The Company's website: https://www.taiheiyo-cement.co.jp/english/ir/kabunushi.html In addition to the above, the information is also posted on the following website.

The Tokyo Stock Exchange's website: https://www2.jpx.co.jp/tseHpFront/JJK020010Action.do?Show=Show

Please access the above website and enter the Company's name or securities code to search, and then select "Basic information" followed by "Documents for public inspection/PR information" to view the information.

The Portal of Shareholders' Meeting: https://www.soukai-portal.net

Please scan the QR code on the enclosed Voting Rights Exercise Form or access the website above and enter the ID and password indicated on the form.

If you are unable to attend the meeting, you may exercise your voting rights in writing or via the Internet, so please review the attached Reference Documents for the General Meeting of Stockholders and exercise your voting rights after reading the Voting Guide on page 3.

  1. Date and Time:
  2. Place:
  3. Agenda of the Meeting: Matters to be reported:

Thursday, June 27, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.

Head office of the Company

1-1-1, Koishikawa, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo

  1. Business Report, Consolidated Financial Statements for the 26th Fiscal Term (from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024) and results of audits by the Accounting Auditor and the Board of Auditors of the Consolidated Financial Statements
  2. Non-ConsolidatedFinancial Statements for the 26th Fiscal Term (from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024)

Proposals to be resolved:

Proposal No. 1: Appropriation of Surplus

Proposal No. 2: Election of Nine Directors

Proposal No. 3: Election of One Substitute Corporate Auditor




  • Regarding the matters subject to measures for electronic provision, the following matters are not included in a paper copy delivered to stockholders who have requested the delivery of the paper copy, pursuant to the provisions of laws and regulations and the Articles of Incorporation of the Company. The documents subject to audit including the following matters have been audited by Corporate Auditors and the Accounting Auditor.
    • "Accounting Auditor" and "System to Ensure that Directors Comply with Laws and Ordinances and the Articles of Incorporation in Executing Their Duties and Other Systems to Ensure Proper Execution of Operations" of the Business Report
    • "Consolidated Statements of Changes in Net Assets" and "Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements" of the Consolidated Financial Statements
    • "Non-consolidatedStatements of Changes in Net Assets" and "Notes to Non-consolidated Financial Statements" of the Non-consolidated Financial Statements
  • If there are any revisions to the matters subject to measures for electronic provision, the details of the revisions will be posted on each website posting these matters.
  • We are planning to distribute video streaming of a part of the meeting on the Company's website at a later date.

  • Please understand in advance that we will be shooting a video for the video streaming in the meeting venue on the day of the meeting.



Voting Guide

If you are exercising your voting right prior to the Meeting:

Please review the attached Reference Documents for the General Meeting of Stockholders, and exercise your voting right by either of the following two methods.

(i) Exercise of voting rights by postal mail (paper ballot)

  • Please indicate your vote for or against the Proposals on the Voting Rights Exercise Form and send it back, making sure that it will arrive by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 26, 2024 (Japan Standard Time).
  • If you make no indication on the Voting Rights Exercise Form whether you are voting for or against the Proposals, you shall be deemed to have voted FOR the Proposals.

(ii) Exercise of voting rights via the Internet, etc.

  • Please exercise your voting right via the voting rights exercise site (https://www.web54.net) specified by the Company before 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 26, 2024 (Japan Standard Time).
  • If you exercise your voting right via the Internet, etc. more than once, your final vote shall prevail.

If you are attending the Meeting:

Please hand in the enclosed Voting Rights Exercise Form at the front desk when you arrive at the venue. If another stockholder is attending the Meeting on your behalf, he/she must submit a letter of proxy and your Voting Rights Exercise Form as well as his/her Voting Rights Exercise Form at the front desk upon arrival at the venue. (Please be advised that a proxy is limited to one person and must be another stockholder with the Company's voting rights pursuant to the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation.)

If you vote both by postal mail and via the Internet, etc., the one received later shall prevail. If we receive both on the same day, your vote cast via the Internet, etc. shall prevail.



Reference Documents for the General Meeting of Stockholders

Proposals and References

Proposal No. 1: Appropriation of Surplus

With respect to the year-end dividend for the term under review, the Company would like to pay out as follows, in consideration of the business environment and our performance for the term under review, while maintaining our basic policy of stable dividend payouts.

Matters concerning the year-end dividend

  1. Type of Dividend Cash
  2. Matters concerning the distribution of dividends to stockholders and its total amount

35 yen per share of common stock of the Company, for a total amount of 4,054,944,215 yen.

The annual dividend per share for the term under review will amount to 70 yen, which includes an interim dividend already paid.

  1. Effective Date of Dividends from surplus June 28, 2024



Proposal No. 2: Election of Nine Directors

The term of office of all Nine Directors will expire at the close of this General Meeting of Stockholders. Accordingly, the election of nine Directors, including three Outside Directors, is proposed.

The candidates for Director are as follows.



Current position at the Company



Chairman and Director

Masafumi Fushihara



President and Representative Director

Yoshifumi Taura



Vice President and Representative Director

Hideaki Asakura


New Candidate

Senior Executive Officer

Koshiro Hidaka


New Candidate

Senior Executive Officer

Shinji Fukami


New Candidate

Senior Executive Officer

Isao Matsui



Yoshiko Koizumi


Outside Director

Independent Director



Hideyuki Furikado


Outside Director

Independent Director

New Candidate


Shingo Tsutsumi

Outside Director

Independent Director





Career summary, position, assignment and

Number of

shares of the

(Date of birth)

significant concurrent positions

Company held

April 1978

Joined Onoda Cement Co., Ltd.

April 2007

General Manager, Business Promotion

Department of Environmental Business

Company of Taiheiyo Cement Corporation

May 2009

General Manager, Sales Department of

Environmental Business Company

October 2010

General Manager, Environmental Business

Development Department

April 2012

Executive Officer and General Manager,

Environmental Business Development


Masafumi Fushihara

April 2015

Managing Executive Officer


June 2015

Director and Managing Executive Officer

April 2016

Director, Managing Executive Officer and

(May 18, 1954)

Senior General Manager, Cement Business

Attended 15 out of 15


meetings of the Board


April 2017

Director, Senior Executive Officer and Senior


of Directors (100%)

General Manager, Cement Business Division

and will have served as

April 2018

President and Representative Director

Director for 9 years at

April 2024

Chairman and Director (to present)

close of this General

Meeting of

Reason for nominating Masafumi Fushihara as Director


Since 2015, Mr. Masafumi Fushihara has engaged in

management of the Company as Director, and currently serves as

Chairman and Director, after serving as President and

Representative Director. He therefore has a wealth of experience,

achievements, and knowledge as a manager. The Company has

judged that he is an appropriate person to aim to continuously

increase corporate value of the Group as he works on enhancing

the functions of the Board of Directors as Chairman of the Board,

determines important management matters, and supervises

business execution, etc., and requests that he continue to be a

candidate for Director.


  1. If the election of Mr. Masafumi Fushihara is approved, the Company plans to enter into an agreement with him, which would limit his liability for damages in respect of his responsibilities set out under Article 423, Paragraph 1 of the Companies Act, to the minimum limit of liability set out under Article 425, Paragraph 1 of the same provided that he executes his duties in good faith and without gross negligence.
  2. No special relationship exists between the Company and Mr. Masafumi Fushihara.





Career summary, position, assignment and

Number of

shares of the

(Date of birth)

significant concurrent positions

Company held

April 1983

Joined Onoda Cement Co., Ltd.

April 2013

General Manager, Marketing & Trading

Department, International Business Division of

Taiheiyo Cement Corporation

April 2017

Executive Officer and General Manager,

Marketing & Trading Department,

International Business Division

April 2019

Managing Executive Officer and Senior

General Manager, International Business


June 2019

Director, Managing Executive Officer and

Senior General Manager, International

Business Division

August 2019

Director, Managing Executive Officer and

Senior General Manager, International

Business Division

Yoshifumi Taura

Chairman of Taiheiyo Cement (China)

Investment Co., Ltd.


June 2020

Managing Executive Officer, Senior General

(March 4, 1960)

Manager, International Business Division

Attended 11 out of 11

Chairman of Taiheiyo Cement (China)


meetings of the Board

Investment Co., Ltd.


of Directors (100%)

April 2022

Managing Executive Officer, Senior General

and will have served as

Manager, International Business Division

Director for 1 year at

April 2023

Senior Executive Officer, Senior General

close of this General

Manager, International Business Division

Meeting of

June 2023

Director, Senior Executive Officer, Senior


General Manager, International Business


April 2024

President and Representative Director (to


Reason for nominating Yoshifumi Taura as Director

Since 2023, Mr. Yoshifumi Taura has engaged in management of the Company as Director, and currently serves as President and Representative Director, after serving as Senior General Manager of International Business Division. He therefore has a wealth of experience, achievements, and knowledge as a manager. The Company has judged that he is an appropriate person to aim to continuously increase corporate value of the Group as he leads the Group's management, determines important management matters, and supervises business execution, etc., and requests that he continue to be a candidate for Director.


  1. Mr. Yoshifumi Taura was newly appointed at the 25th Ordinary General Meeting of Stockholders held on June 29, 2023, and took office as Director on the same day. Accordingly, his attendance at meetings of the Board of Directors refers to those convened since he took office.
  2. No special relationship exists between the Company and Mr. Yoshifumi Taura.





Career summary, position, assignment and

Number of

shares of the

(Date of birth)

significant concurrent positions

Company held

April 1982

Joined Nihon Cement Co., Ltd.

April 2011

General Director of Nghi Son Cement


April 2016

Executive Officer of Taiheiyo Cement


General Director of Nghi Son Cement


April 2018

Executive Officer and General Manager, Sales

Department, Cement Business Division of

Taiheiyo Cement Corporation

Hideaki Asakura

April 2019

Managing Executive Officer

June 2019

Director and Managing Executive Officer


June 2020

Managing Executive Officer

(November 20, 1959)

April 2022

Senior Executive Officer

Attended 15 out of 15

June 2022

Director and Senior Executive Officer


meetings of the Board

April 2024

Vice President and Representative Director


of Directors (100%)

Assistant to the President

and will have served as

Overseeing Corporate Planning Department,

Director for 2 years at

Sustainability Promotion Department and

close of this General

Legal Department (to present)

Meeting of


Reason for nominating Hideaki Asakura as Director

Since 2022, Mr. Hideaki Asakura has engaged in management of

the Company as Director, and currently serves as Vice President

and Representative Director. He therefore has a wealth of

experience, achievements, and knowledge as a manager. The

Company has judged that he is an appropriate person to aim to

continuously increase corporate value of the Group as he leads

the Group's management, determines important management

matters, and supervises business execution, etc., and requests that

he continue to be a candidate for Director.

Note: No special relationship exists between the Company and Mr. Hideaki Asakura.





Career summary, position, assignment and

Number of

shares of the

(Date of birth)

significant concurrent positions

Company held

April 1984

Joined Onoda Cement Co., Ltd.

April 2015

General Manager, Ofunato Plant of Taiheiyo

Cement Corporation

April 2017

General Manager, Maintenance & Engineering

Department and General Manager,

Engineering & Technology Department,

International Business Division

October 2017

General Manager, Maintenance & Engineering


Koshiro Hidaka

April 2019

Executive Officer and General Manager,

Maintenance & Engineering Department



New Candidate

April 2021

Managing Executive Officer

(October 7, 1959)

April 2024

Senior Executive Officer (to present)

Reason for nominating Koshiro Hidaka as Director

Mr. Koshiro Hidaka has been engaged in the operation of

production and maintenance & engineering divisions for many

years. Since 2019, he has served as Executive Officer and has a

wealth of experience and insight on overall management. The

Company has judged that he is an appropriate person to aim to

continuously increase corporate value of the Group and requests

that he be a new candidate for Director.

Note: No special relationship exists between the Company and Mr. Koshiro Hidaka.





Career summary, position, assignment and

Number of

shares of the

(Date of birth)

significant concurrent positions

Company held

April 1986

Joined Onoda Cement Co., Ltd.

April 2015

General Manager, Business Planning

Department, International Business Division of

Taiheiyo Cement Corporation

April 2018

General Manager, Environmental Business

Development Department

April 2019

Executive Officer and General Manager,

Environmental Business Development


Shinji Fukami

April 2022

Managing Executive Officer

April 2024

Senior Executive Officer and Senior General



New Candidate

Manager, International Business Division (to

(July 28, 1960)


Reason for nominating Shinji Fukami as Director

Mr. Shinji Fukami has been engaged in the operation of

international business and environmental business for many

years. Since 2019, he has served as Executive Officer and has a

wealth of experience and insight on overall management. The

Company has judged that he is an appropriate person to aim to

continuously increase corporate value of the Group and requests

that he be a new candidate for Director.

Note: The Company lends funds to Jiangnan-Onoda Cement Co., Ltd., of which Mr. Shinji Fukami is the representative.



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Taiheiyo Cement Corporation published this content on 30 May 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 30 May 2024 00:11:02 UTC.