Tabula Rasa HealthCare, Inc. announced a partnership with RxResults to develop a new competitive model that enables pharmacy plans to identify health plan savings and mitigate medication risk. RxResults offers pharmacy risk management solutions to ensure access to medications proven safe and effective while providing cost control, removing specialty drug conflicts of interest and eliminating misaligned incentives. MedWise uniquely identifies simultaneous, accumulative, multi-drug interactions to ensure medication safety, efficacy, and adherence. Unintended interactions between medications can significantly impact the metabolism and effectiveness of drugs for patients with multi-drug regimens. TRHC's MedWise proprietary technology aids in the reduction of preventable ADEs, thereby improving quality, enhancing outcomes, and reducing total costs. While Tabula Rasa HealthCare mitigates risk from adverse drug events using its proprietary science, RxResults will enable the partnership to provide clients with proven solutions to mitigate risk and control specialty drug spend and utilization, helping to reduce the overall total cost of healthcare.