Surgical Science Sweden AB (publ) announced that Tom Englund will take over as the new CEO of Surgical Science on October 1, 2024. Tom currently works as COO and Deputy CEO at Instabee. He will succeed the current CEO Gisli Hennermark, who after October 1 will remain in an advisory role until the end of March 2025. Tom Englund holds a Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Management from Linköping University. Previous experiences include Accenture and Roland Berger, various roles within Atlas Copco where Tom spent seven years based in Stockholm and Shanghai, and Tobii where he worked for twelve years. At Tobii, a leading company in eye tracking, revenues during Tom's tenure grew from around SEK 200 million to SEK 1.4 billion. Tom was CEO of the Tobii Pro business unit and later also Deputy CEO of the Tobii Group. Since 2021, Tom has worked for Instabox, which
through a merger with Budbee in 2022 became Instabee. Tom is the COO and Deputy CEO at Instabee. From his roles, Tom has experience in leading fast-growing high-tech organizations with a focus on profitable growth, developing business models, acquiring and integrating businesses, and scaling and merging organizations in a complex structure and international environment. Tom will start his employment in Surgical Science on August 19 and will assume the position of CEO on October 1, 2024. Tom has no board assignments except for internal assignments within the Instabee Group.