Levanta Renewables (Thailand) Co., Limited agreed to acquire 31% stake in Sunflower Solar Company Limited from Super Energy Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:SUPER) on February 28, 2024. Levanta Renewables (Thailand) Co., Limited signed share purchase agreement to acquire 31% stake in Sunflower Solar Company Limited from Super Energy Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:SUPER) on May 4, 2024. In a separate deal, Levanta Renewables acquires additional 59% stake in Sunflower Solar Company Limited from Super Energy Group Company Limited. Total consideration for both the transactions is THB 4.859 billion. At the present, SUNFLOWER is in the process of restructure the shareholding of the Group. After the restructure completes, SUNFLOWER will have 8 direct subsidiaries that operate a business of generation and sale of electricity from solar power in Thailand (?SUNFLOWER Group?). After transferring shares which is separated to 2 phases in the proportion of 49% and 41%, respectively, the proportion of ownership of the Group will be decreased from 100% to 10% and resulting the Group to loss control in SUNFLOWER Group. The transaction is expected to close in June 2024.

Levanta Renewables (Thailand) Co., Limited completed the acquisition of 31% stake in Sunflower Solar Company Limited from Super Energy Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:SUPER) on July 5, 2024.