Sumitomo Corporation has registered as a 'TNFD Early Adopter' (1), which is an early adopter of the disclosure recommendations published by the Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (hereinafter TNFD) in September 2023. did.

TNFD is an international initiative to create a framework for appropriately assessing and disclosing risks and opportunities related to natural capital and biodiversity.

Our company aims to make disclosures based on the TNFD in fiscal 2025, with the aim of accelerating efforts to preserve and restore natural capital through our business.

In the press release issued by TNFD on January 16, 2024, a comment from our president was posted as one of the companies that registered as an Early Adopter.

Masayuki Hyodo Representative Director, President and CEO Comments

As a general trading company, our company operates in various sectors such as infrastructure, mining, forestry, and agriculture, and we are highly dependent on the natural environment of countries and regions around the world. As our business benefits greatly from nature's bounty, taking natural capital into account in business decision-making is essential to sustainable business operations. Furthermore, through such initiatives, we will contribute to the sustainability of not only our company, but also the earth and local communities.

As an early adopter of TNFD, we will further accelerate our efforts to preserve and restore natural capital and strengthen information disclosure.

Press release announcing TNFD: 320 companies and financial institutions to start TNFD nature-related corporate reporting

Sumitomo Corporation's initiatives to date

In June 2022, we participated in the TNFD Forum, which supports and supports the philosophy and activities of TNFD, and in September 2023, we conducted a trial analysis of forestry projects in New Zealand based on the beta version of the TNFD framework, and the results were We are promoting initiatives aimed at preserving and restoring natural capital, such as disclosing (2), as well as disclosing information.

In the future, as an early adopter of the TNFD recommendations, we will make even greater efforts to promote initiatives aimed at preserving and restoring natural capital and to enhance disclosure.

Taking advantage of the early adoption of TNFD, we will make further efforts to promote initiatives aimed at preserving and restoring natural capital and to expand disclosure.

Overview of TNFD Adopter

'TNFD Adopter' refers to a company or organization that has registered on the TNFD website its intention to disclose information in accordance with the TNFD recommendations, and has disclosed information in accordance with the TNFD recommendations in either FY2024 or FY2025. What you are required to do.

Additionally, companies that register by January 10, 2024 will be announced as 'TNFD Early Adopters' at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting (Davos) to be held in Switzerland in the same month.

(C) 2024 Electronic News Publishing, source ENP Newswire