STRATA Skin Sciences, Inc. announced the introduction of a new business, branded “Home by XTRAC™”. Provides an at-home, insurance-reimbursed treatment option for patients with certain skin diseases that do not qualify for in-office treatments Leverages Company’s existing direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising and leads Utilizes in-house Company resources and adds no significant cost Commenced limited initial shipments and realized insurance payments in 2020 Anticipate a positive impact on revenue and profitability in 2021: STRATA’s FDA-approved XTRAC excimer laser delivers a highly targeted therapeutic beam of UVB light to treat psoriasis, vitiligo and atopic dermatitis - skin diseases that impact more than 31 million people in the U.S. today. XTRAC has been shown in more than 150 peer-reviewed clinical studies to be the safest, most effective treatment on the market today. Quick and virtually painless without the side effects of other treatment options, it has been used more than 20 million times worldwide. STRATA has partnered with an existing phototherapy device manufacturer to provide its newly branded Home by XTRAC™ solution. Further, the Company is using its in-house call center, reimbursement team, and its access to providers to fulfill and support a comprehensive patient journey that includes: Identifying patients with needs (where there is no local provider; or out-of-pocket costs are an issue); Referring patients to medical providers for telehealth visits; When appropriate, obtaining a prescription for Home by XTRAC™ solution; Confirming DME (Durable Medical Equipment) insurance benefits; Delivering “Home by XTRAC™” to patients, providing training; and Collecting payment from insurance payers. The anticipated per patient reimbursement, dependent on the patients’ condition, insurance coverage and the type of device for these DME products ranges from $1,316 to $5,163 per device per patient based upon the 2020 CMS rate schedule and is covered by most major insurance carriers.