Stora Enso's human rights reporting has received the best overall score of all companies included in a comprehensive industry-specific benchmarking.

Stora Enso's human rights reporting has been top-ranked in a study conducted by the multi-stakeholder SIHTI project in Finland. Stora Enso received the best overall score (63%) of all companies included in the project's comprehensive industry-specific benchmarking. Stora Enso was evaluated in the Agricultural Products category.

Stora Enso is committed to transparent sustainability reporting and communications, including on the topic of human rights. For example, since the SIHTI assessment was completed, we have updated our Human Rights Policy and Supplier Code of Conduct as well as published our Human Rights Guidelines externally. The SIHTI assessment provided good input to all these document updates.

The main objective of the Status of Human Rights Performance of Finnish Companies (SIHTI) project was to obtain a comprehensive and in-depth overview of how Finnish companies are fulfilling their human rights responsibility, i.e., how they have implemented the expectations set in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs). The methodology developed by Corporate Human Rights Benchmark (CHRB) was used to assess the companies' human rights performance. The study included 78 Finnish companies, of which 29 were assessed using CHRB's comprehensive industry-specific methodology, and 49 using the Core UNGP Indicators methodology. Stora Enso was assessed with the more detailed CHRB methodology.


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