Gunnlaugur Erlendsson, CEO of Enso, draws attention to the fact that, although often ignored, tyres play an essential role in our mobility and our economy. Every vehicle, whether electric or combustion-powered, depends on tyres to get around.
Erlendsson criticises the tyre industry's dependence on fossil fuels, not only for the manufacture of the tyres themselves but also for the operation of the factories that produce them. He highlights the carbon-intensive life cycle of tyres, from production to disposal, which contributes even more to carbon emissions.
Enso's CEO also points the finger at the inefficiency of tyres, which he says reduce the fuel efficiency of vehicles and require more fuel, thereby worsening their carbon footprint. He criticises the industry's culture, which favours the continuous sale of new tyres without seeking to extend their lifespan, leading to considerable pollution by microplastics, particularly in the oceans.
Gunnlaugur Erlendsson presents Enso, a tyre technology company he set up in response to these challenges. Enso aims to produce ultra-efficient tyres that extend EV range, reduce tyre pollution and are more affordable through innovation in materials science. Enso is committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2030, well ahead of its competitors, by using existing technologies to make a significant impact on the sustainability of transport.

Bloomberg videos, provided by MT Newswires