Sales growth of 14% by SAIL in Dec. 2013

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New Delhi: SAIL registered a growth of 14% in sales of saleable steel at 1.13 million tonnes (MT) in the month of December'2013, as against the same month last year (SMLY). Crude steel production at 1.16 MT in Dec.'13 was up by 7% over SMLY. On techno-economic front, Coke rate and energy consumption improved by 1% each in the month of December'2013 over SMLY.
The upward trend in performance in the last couple of months is an outcome of concerted efforts directed at sales improvement in both domestic and international market. Strategic focus on enhanced production especially of value-added products has resulted in sustained growth on production and sales front. In Oct-Dec'2013 period, total sales of steel by SAIL at 2.98 MT were up 6% on Y-O-Y basis. This included exports of 1.77 lakh, which recorded a growth of 122% over the same period last year. Production of crude steel in Q3FY14 also went up by 4%, as compared to CPLY.
Chairman, SAIL Mr C.S. Verma in his new year address to employees exhorted the employees to work and conduct themselves in a way that SAIL becomes synonymous with business excellence. He highlighted the imperative need for excellence in areas like improving the quality of inputs, enlarging share of value added products and intensive customer engagement with thrust on higher net sales realisations. He urged the employees to have ownership of SAIL, passion for SAIL and pride in SAIL, which together are the driving force that will lead our company to greater heights. Let "my SAIL, my Pride" be the mantra for 2014.Picture Caption:SAIL Chairman Mr CS Verma addressing employees at SAIL Corporate Office, Ispat Bhavan, New Delhi, on the New Year Day

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SAIL Chairman Mr CS Verma addressing employees at SAIL Corporate Office, Ispat Bhavan, New Delhi, on the New Year Day

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