SpeakEasy Cannabis Club Ltd. announced it has received its licence to sell flower into the recreational market and directly to medical patients. Health Canada has amended SpeakEasy's current production and processing licence to allow sales of its flower and pre-rolls into provincial dispensaries and directly to medical patients opening up the path to higher margins by eliminating the necessity to sell to other licence holders. This allows SpeakEasy to be a direct supplier of finished packaged products and not just bulk unpackaged cannabis. SpeakEasy's vision has always been focused on a business to consumer model, that is now becoming a reality. This amendment is expected to increase our margins, protect us from market fluctuations with respect to raw materials and allow us to create demand for our product by reaching consumers directly. Working with other licensed producers to supply raw flower, co- branding products, custom growing and processing is in our best interest and will continue in the future. SpeakEasy has been very fortunate to have found likeminded operators within the industry and forged strong ties that it will work with to continue existing contracts and develop new sales opportunities. With the receipt of license to permit sales of cannabis flower, it can now focus on brand awareness and sales to customers. "B.C. Bud" has a mystique all by itself and those who can capitalize on that by producing flower worthy of the "B.C. Bud" reputation will reap the rewards of global recognition. SpeakEasy represents the skill and craftsmanship found in legacy market growers here in B.C. and will enter the market giving customers what they are looking for. SpeakEasy brands that accentuate everything "BC Bud" represents have been created and will soon be released into the market now that the company has amended sales licence.