SmartMetric, Inc. announced that its soon-to-launch SmartMetric Biometric Bitcoin Card, the biometric, fingerprint secured, off-line storage platform for bitcoins, will enable in-person Peer-to-Peer (P2P) transfer of bitcoins through its payment card. The SmartMetric Biometric Bitcoin Card has taken a quantum leap beyond smartcards. This is an intelligent card that combines patented nano-computing technology, an internal ARM 9 processor, processing power equal that of a PC, and up to 128 gigabytes of memory, matching the maximum memory capacity of current iPads.

The card comes equipped with a Near Field Communication (NFC) chip, which is the key to enabling the in-person P2P transaction. NFC chips are used in smartphones and similar devices to establish radio communication with each other by touching them together or bringing them into proximity. Cards are able to be connected to a computers USB or following the fingerprint scan and subsequent activation of the NFC (Near Field Communication) chip following the match of the card holders fingerprint, the SmartMetric bitcoin card can communicate directly with NFC smartphones and tablets.

In order to protect the card owners privacy their fingerprint is stored inside the card and never leaves the card.