Singapore Airlines announced Tuesday that it has sent offers of compensation to passengers injured during a May flight that experienced severe turbulence.

In a post on Facebook, the airline said it is offering $10,000 to passengers who sustained minor injuries and $25,000 to those who sustained serious injuries requiring long-term medical care.

The offers were sent Monday, it said.

"Singapore Airlines deeply apologizes to all passengers for the traumatic experience on board flight SQ321 on 20 May 2024," it said in the statement. "We are committed to providing our full support and assistance during this time."

One passenger was killed and 71 others were injured May 20 when Singapore Airlines flight SQ321 from London to Singapore encountered turbulence at 37,000 feet. A preliminary safety investigation found the aircraft had plunged 178 feet in four seconds.

The incident forced the aircraft's pilot to declare an emergency and divert the flight to Bangkok.

The compensation announced Monday is on top of the $739 it provided to all passengers on arrival in Thailand to cover their expenses there, the airline added.

Singapore Airlines also said it will provide a full refund for airfare to all passengers of flight SQ321 as well as unspecified compensation in accordance with European Union and British regulations. It has also been covering the medical expenses of the injured and arranged for their family members to fly to Bangkok when requested.

"All affected passengers should have received their offers of compensation via email, along with information on how they may proceed with their claims," it said.

"SIA remains committed to supporting the affected passengers who were on board SQ321."

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