Sigma Designs announced it will demonstrate Sigma Designs' TR-069 remote management and diagnostics with the company's new CG5200 family of chipsets at the Sigma Designs suite 2990 in the Las Vegas Hotel at CES 2014 on January 7-10. Based on Friendly Technologies' TR-069 Access Control Server (ACS), this integrated solution will give Sigma's broadband and triple-play service provider customers the means to deliver high-performance services with far fewer support calls and maintenance costs. Sigma's CG5200 family of chipset supports an embedded IP Stack enabling TR-069 remote management, performance monitoring and network diagnostics while dismissing the need for an external processor.

The SoC offers service providers with convenient remote troubleshoot and remote FW upgrade, resulting in easy customer installation, an overall reduction of service calls, returns, and maintenance costs. While more details on Sigma Designs' CG5200 chipset family can be found on the company's website, some key features are listed below: PHY rate up to 1 Gbps per medium (coax, phone, power); Whole home coverage utilizing all existing wires, including those through thick walls and multiple floors; MIMO/SISO over power line extending coverage, rates, and best immunity to interferences; Smooth and seamless migration from Home PNA to over coax; Customer self-install; Embedded IP Stack for TR-069 remote management and diagnostics; Optimization for IPTV and Multicast systems for video and audio traffic; Guaranteed reliable performance and user experience; and compliance with ITU-T standards (G.9960/1/2/3/4). Sigma Designs selected Friendly Technologies' TR-069 suite for this demonstration.

Their platform allows service providers to reduce the deployment, management, and support costs of data, VoIP, IPTV and Smart Home services.