Shenzhen Investment Limited reported Group unaudited contracted sales results for the month and year ended December 2016. For the period, the Group's contracted sales for the month amounted to approximately RMB 193 million, representing a decrease of 26.9% MoM and a decrease of 72.2% YoY. The contracted sales area was approximately 11,757 sq.m., a decrease of 54.1% month-on-month and a decrease of 61.1% year-on-year. For the year of 2016, the Group recorded a total contracted sales of approximately RMB 19.13 billion, representing an increase of approximately 20% year-on-year, and the total contracted sales area was approximately 896,155 sq.m., down approximately 5.4% year-on-year. The contracted sales for the year of 2016 exceeded the contracted sales target of RMB 18.5 billion by 3.4%.