Shenzhen Expressway Company Limited board of directors announced that the board received a letter of resignation from Mr. Hu Chun Yuan, an independent non-executive Director on 5 January 2018. Due to personal career reasons, Mr. Hu shall resign from the position of Independent Director of the company and cease to act as the chairman of the audit committee and a member of the remuneration committee of the Board. Since the resignation of Mr. Hu will result in the number of Independent Directors of the company decrease to less than one-third of the members of the Board, in accordance with the relevant regulations of the company Law of the People's Republic of China, the Guiding Opinion on Establishment of Independent Director Systems by Listed Companies and the articles of association of the company, the resignation of Mr. Hu will take effect after a new Independent Director has been elected at the general meeting of the company. During the period, Mr. Hu will continue to perform his duties as the Independent Director and his relevant duties in committees of the Board in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and the articles of association of the company.