2016 revenues up 6.8%


SergeFerrari Group (FR0011950682) designs, manufactures and distributes innovative flexible composite materials and is listed on Euronext Paris - Compartment C.


Saint Jean de Soudain, January 26, 2017

Revenue breakdown by region (unaudited)


(€000) Q4 2016 Q4 2015 Change Dec 31, 2016 Dec 31, 2015 Change
Southern Europe (SEUR) 11,905 10,895 +9.3% 54,853 51,924 +5.6%
Wide Europe (WEUR) 11,871 12,444 -4.6% 54,163 52,068 +4.0%
Rest of World (ROW) 9,585 9,306 +3.0% 39,553 36,993 +6.9%
Flexible composite materials33,36132,645+2.2%148,569140,985+5.4%
Other sales 4,523 1,857 +143.6% 9,876 7,413 +33.2%
Total revenue37,88434,502+9.8%158,445148,398+6.8%


Fourth quarter sales of flexible composite materials increased 2.0% at constant exchange rates and consolidation scope (like for like) compared to the same period in 2015.

“Other sales” includes €2.1 million in sales posted by Giofex Group and its subsidiaries, consolidated as from October 1, 2016,

Full-year sales of flexible composite materials increased 5.4%, primarily due to growth in volumes sold. All regions posted growth in 2016, illustrating the Group's ability to roll out its development plan on a global scale.



In 2017, the Group will continue implementing its strategy of strengthening sales initiatives, pursuing innovation and improving industrial efficiency.

As of January 1, 2017, the sales force comprised 156 employees, compared with 139 as of December 31, 2015. Since January 2017, the Group has had three additional subsidiaries in China, Turkey and Germany, which will enable it to step up its international expansion in markets with high growth potential.

The Group will present its Serge Ferrari 2020 plan and ambitions to coincide with the release of its annual results.



Next press release: 2016 results

March 8, 2017, after market close


Find all Company details at  www.sergeferrari.com.


Philippe Brun
Chief Financial Officer, Board Member
Amalia Naveira/Marie-Claude Triquet
Actus Lyon
Tel.: 00 33 4 72 18 04 93



SergeFerrari Group designs, makes and distributes high-tech eco-responsible flexible composite materials in a global market with an estimated medium-term value of €31 billion. The unique characteristics of these products make them ideal for technical applications in three fields: architecture, specialties for industry professionals, and composite membranes for the consumer market. The Group's principal competitive advantage lies in its differentiating technology – Précontraint® - and its associated proprietary industrial know-how. The Group has three production sites: one in France and two in Switzerland. Serge Ferrari is present in 80 countries through eight subsidiaries (in the US, Japan, Hong Kong, Brazil, India, China, Turkey and Germany), 2 representative offices (in Spain and Dubai) and a network of more than 100 distributors. At the end of 2016, Serge Ferrari posted consolidated revenue of €158,4 million of which 75% was achieved outside France. The company SergeFerrari Group is listed on Euronext Paris – Compartment C (ISIN code: FR0011950682). The SergeFerrari Group share is eligible for PEA-SME and FCPI Investment.


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