2014-01-31  15.25

Turin, January 31, 2014

In compliance with the request sent by Consob on September 7, 2011, Protocol No. 11076499, pursuant to Article 114, paragraph 5, Legislative Decree No. 58/1998 relating to monthly reporting of significant information on our Company and Group, we report the following as requested, with reference to December 31, 2013.

On February 6, 2013, SEAT Pagine Gialle S.p.A. and SEAT Pagine Gialle Italia S.p.A. have filed their respective applications for admission to the composition with creditors procedure, availing of the so called "blank option", as per Article 161, paragraph 6 of Royal Decree 267/1942.
On July 10, 2013 the Court of Turin formally admitted both SEAT Pagine Gialle Italia S.p.A. and SEAT Pagine Gialle S.p.A. to the composition with creditors procedure  pursuant to Article 163 of the Italian Royal Decree n. 267/1942;
With the same order the Court of Turin joined the two procedures and appointed Professor Enrico Laghi of Rome as official Commissioner.

On December 20, 2013, as declared in the press release at the same date, to which reference is made for further details, the Commissioner sent to the creditors to of  Seat Pagine Gialle S.p.A. and Seat Pagine Gialle Italia S.p.A., pursuant to art. 171 of Royal Decree 267/1942, the notice indicating the date of the creditors' meeting  (currently expected on 15 July 2014) as well as the essential elements of the respective proposals for the composition with creditors and the Business Plan on which there are based - as well as changed and updated by Seat Pagine Gialle S.p.A. and Seat Pagine Gialle Italia S.p.A. (in excess of the original ones) in respect of outcome of the audits carried out  after the admission decree on the current and prospective trend of SEAT Group, also taking into account the recommendations made by the Court in the decree of admission - by referring recipients to the Company's website for access to the relevant documentation.

The Boards of Directors of Seat Pagine Gialle S.p.A. e di Seat Pagine Gialle Italia S.p.A., met on January 16, 2014  started the process for the approval of  the extraordinary corporate transactions provided by the proposals for the composition with creditors .

Download and read the complete press release in attachment

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Bruno Caprioli


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Gianluca Dati



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