To: FINANCIAL SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY SIBEX - SIBIU STOCK EXCHANGE Ref: Current report - withdrawal of the nomination submitted for the position as Board member

Current report according to

R.N.S.C. Regulation no. 1/2006 on issuers and operations with securities and Law no 297/2004 on capital market

Date of report


Company Name


Head Office:

Sibiu, Piaţa Aurel Vlaicu, nr. 9-10, et.III


0269-211.799 / 0269-211.153

Unique Identification Number


Order Number at Trade Register


Subscribed and paid up share capital

33.427.926 lei

Regulated market where issuer's

securities are traded

the regulated spot market administered by SIBEX

Important events to report

In compliance with the stipulations of Regulation no. 1-2006 on issuers and operations with securities, please be informed that on September 21, 2015, S.I.F. Transilvania, as shareholders of Sibex-Sibiu Stock Exchange, informed the company about the withdrawal of Mr. Stan Iulian's nomination for the position as Board member of Sibex-Sibiu Stock Exchange, according to the letter attached.

Deputy CEO Cristina Munteanu

SIBEX - SIBIU STOCK EXCHANGE S.A., Sibiu, România DECIZIA C.N.V.M. nr. 356/31.01.2006
Operator de date cu caracter personal nr. 28696 Capital social: 33.427.926 lei
550377, P-ţa Aurel Vlaicu, nr. 9-10, etaj III Nr. O.R.C. J32/28/1994, C.I.F. RO 6584502
Tel.: 0269.211.798 / 799, Fax: 0269.211.153 Cont: RO63BTRL03301202N53586XX Web:; e-mail: Banca Transilvania - Suc. Sibiu



Sibex registration no. 1627/21.09.2015

SIF TRANSILVANIA registration no. 7087/21.09.2015

To: Sibex-Sibiu Stock Exchange Attn: General Shareholders Meeting

The undersigned SIF TRANSILVANIA, with its registered office in Brasov, 2 Nicolae Iorga street, having the fiscal code RO 3047687, Brasov Trade Registry J08/3306/1992, legally represented by Mr. Mihai Fercala as President of the Executive Board-Chief Executive Officer and by Mr. Iulian Stan as Vice-President of the Executive Board - Deputy C.E.O., as shareholder of Sibex-Sibiu Stock Exchange, informs the shareholders about

The withdrawal of the nomination of Mr. IULIAN STAN

for the position as Board member of Sibex-Sibiu Stock Exchange, item included on the agenda of the General Shareholders Meeting convened for September 23/24, 2015.

President of the Executive Board Vice-President of the Executive Board

Chief Executive Officer Deputy C.E.O Ec. Mihai FERCALA Ec. Iulian STAN

SIBEX - SIBIU STOCK EXCHANGE S.A., Sibiu, România DECIZIA C.N.V.M. nr. 356/31.01.2006
Operator de date cu caracter personal nr. 28696 Capital social: 33.427.926 lei
550377, P-ţa Aurel Vlaicu, nr. 9-10, etaj III Nr. O.R.C. J32/28/1994, C.I.F. RO 6584502
Tel.: 0269.211.798 / 799, Fax: 0269.211.153 Cont: RO63BTRL03301202N53586XX Web:; e-mail: Banca Transilvania - Suc. Sibiu

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