To: FINANCIAL SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY SIBEX - SIBIU STOCK EXCHANGE Ref: Current report - changes in the management of Sibex - Sibiu Stock Exchange S.A.

Current report according to: R.N.S.C. Regulation no. 1/2006 on issuers and operations with securities and Law no 297/2004 on capital market
Date of report: 08.01.2015
Company Name: Sibex - Sibiu Stock Exchange
Head Office: Sibiu, no. 9-10, floor III, Aurel Vlaicu Square
Phone/fax: 0269-211799 / 0269-211153
Unique Identification Number: 6584502
Order Number in N.T.R.O.'s Registry: J32/28/09.12.1994
Share capital called-up and fully paid-up: 33,427,926 RON
Regulated market where issuer's securities are traded: the regulated spot market administered by SIBEX

Important events to report - changes in the company's management

In compliance with the stipulations of Regulation no. 1/2006 on Issuers and operations with securities, respective art.113, letter A, letter e) changes in the company's management structure, we are informing you that:

Through Decision no. 11/08.01.2015, Financial Supervisory Authority validated Mr. CHIŞ GRIGORE as interim administrator of the market operator SIBEX - SIBIU STOCK EXCHANGE, in accordance with BoD Decision no. 189/18.11.2014, until the date of the next S.G.M. when the new structure of the Board of Directors will be decided.

Also, through Authorization no. 1/08.01.2015, Financial Supervisory Authority authorized the amendment of the operating authorization of the market operator SIBEX - SIBIU STOCK EXCHANGE, as a result of changing the BoD structure, by appointing Mr. CHIS GRIGORE as interim administrator of the company, in accordance with BoD Decision no. 189/18.11.2014, until the date of the next S.G.M. when the new structure of the Board of Directors will be approved.

CEO Ovidiu Petru


România, Sibiu Capital social: 33.427.926 lei

550377, P-ta Aurel Vlaicu, nr. 9-10, et. III Nr. O.R.C. J32/28/1994 CUI RO 658 4502

Tel.: 0269/211 798 / 799, Fax: 0269/211 153 Cont RO63 BTRL 0330 1202 N535 86XX Web:; e-mail: Banca Transilvania - Suc. Sibiu

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