Note: This document has been translated from the Japanese original for reference purposes only. In the event of any discrepancy between this translated document and the Japanese original, the original shall prevail. The Company assumes no responsibility for this translation or for direct, indirect or any other forms of damages arising from the translation.

(Securities code: 4651) June 7, 2024 (Date of commencing measures for electronic provision: June 5, 2024)

To Shareholders with Voting Rights:

Hiroshi Munemasa

President and CEO


2-1-23, Hakataeki Higashi,

Hakata-ku, Fukuoka, Japan

Notice of the 46th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

You are cordially notified of the 46th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (the "Meeting") of SANIX INCORPORATED (the "Company"), which will be held for the purposes described below.

In convening this Meeting, the Company has taken measures for electronic provision. Matters for which measures for electronic provision have been taken are posted on the following website.

The Company's website:

In addition to the website above, the matters are also posted on the following websites.

Tokyo Stock Exchange website (TSE Listed Company Search):

Please access the website above, enter "SANIX" into the Issue name or "4651" into the Code, and click the Search button to search for the Company. Then, please select "Basic information," "Documents for public inspection/PR information" and "Notice of General Shareholders Meeting/Informational Materials for a General Shareholders Meeting."

Other posted website Net de Shoshu:

If you are not attending the Meeting, you may exercise your voting rights in advance via the Internet or in writing. Please review the Reference Documents for the General Meeting of Shareholders and exercise your voting rights by 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, June 26, 2024 (JST).

1. Date and time:Thursday, June 27, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. (JST) (Doors will open at 9:00 a.m.)

2. Venue:

Banquet hall "Tsukushi," Main Building 3F, Hotel Nikko

Fukuoka, located at 2-18-25, Hakata Eki-mae,Hakata-ku,

Fukuoka, Japan


3. Meeting Agenda:

Matters to be reported: 1. Business Report and Consolidated Financial Statements

for the 46th Fiscal Year (April 1, 2023 to March 31,

2024), and results of audits of Consolidated Financial

Statements by the Accounting Auditor and the Audit and

Supervisory Committee

2. Non-consolidated Financial Statements for the 46th

Fiscal Year (April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024)

Matters to be resolved:

Proposal 1:

Reduction of Share Capital and Appropriation of Surplus

Proposal 2:

Partial Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation

Proposal 3:

Election of 6 Directors (Excluding Directors Who Are Audit

Proposal 4:

and Supervisory Committee Members)

Election of 2 Directors Who Are Audit and Supervisory

Committee Members

4. Matters resolved in convening the Meeting:

  1. If a shareholder exercises the voting rights both in writing (by postal mail) and via the Internet, the vote via the Internet shall be deemed valid, regardless of their arrival date and time.
    If a shareholder exercises the voting rights more than once via the Internet, the vote exercised last shall be deemed valid.
  2. If a shareholder exercises the voting rights in writing (by postal mail) and neither approval nor disapproval of each proposal is indicated in the Voting Rights Exercise Form, it shall be deemed a vote of approval.
  3. If attending the Meeting by proxy, please designate as a proxy another shareholder of the Company who may exercise the voting rights, and have the proxy submit a written proof of his/her right of proxy at the reception on the day of the Meeting.
  • If you attend the Meeting, please submit the enclosed Voting Rights Exercise Form at the reception.
  • Any revisions to the matters for which measures for electronic provision have been taken will be posted on each website where those matters are posted.
  • Of the matters for which measures for electronic provision have been taken, the following matters are not included in the paper copy to be sent to shareholders who have requested it, pursuant to laws and regulations as well as the provisions of Article 14 of the Company's Articles of Incorporation. Accordingly, the paper copy to be sent to shareholders who have requested it is a part of the documents audited by the Audit and Supervisory Committee and the Accounting Auditor in preparing their audit reports.
    1. "Systems to Ensure the Appropriateness of Operations and the Operational Status of Such Systems" of the Business Report
    2. "Consolidated Statements of Changes in Net Assets" and "Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements" of the Consolidated Financial Statements
    3. "Non-consolidatedStatements of Changes in Net Assets" and "Notes to the Non- consolidated Financial Statements" of the Non-consolidated Financial Statements


Reference Documents for the General Meeting of Shareholders

Proposals and References

Proposal 1: Reduction of Share Capital and Appropriation of Surplus

In order to compensate for the deficit and ensure mobility in future capital policies, the Company will reduce the amount of its share capital and make the appropriation of its other capital surplus in accordance with the provisions of Article 447, Paragraph 1 and Article 452 of the Companies Act. With this, the Company will improve the soundness of its financial position and ensure flexibility and mobility in its future capital policies.

Since there will be no change in the total number of issued shares or the amount of net assets of the Company, there will be no impact on the number of shares held by shareholders or the net asset value per share.

1. Details of the reduction in the amount of share capital

  1. Amount of capital to be reduced
    Of the capital stock amount of 14,041,834,640 yen, 9,836,447,281 yen will be reduced and the

entire amount of capital to be reduced will be transferred to other capital surplus. The capital stock amount after the reduction will be 4,205,387,359 yen.

  1. Method of reducing the amount of capital
    As capital will be reduced without compensation, there will be no change in the total number of

issued shares and the entire amount of capital to be reduced will be transferred to other capital surplus.

  1. Effective date of the capital reduction September 2, 2024 (plan)

2. Details of appropriation of surplus

Provided that the reduction in the amount of share capital takes effect as described in 1. above, the

amount necessary to compensate for the deficit will be reduced from other capital surplus and transferred to retained earnings brought forward to cover the deficit.


Item of surplus to be reduced and its amount

Other capital surplus

9,836,447,281 yen


Item of surplus to be increased and its amount

Retained earnings brought forward

9,836,447,281 yen

3. Timeline

  1. Date of invitation for creditors' objections July 16, 2024 (plan)


Final date for creditors' objections

August 19, 2024 (plan)


Effective date

September 2, 2024 (plan)


Proposal 2: Partial Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation

  1. Reasons for amendments
  1. Change of trade name and purposes
    Effective April 1, 2025 (plan), the Company will transition to a holding company structure. With this, our trade name will be changed to KABUSHIKI KAISHA SANIX HOLDINGS (SANIX HOLDINGS INCORPORATED in English) and its business purposes will be revised to align with our operations following the transition to the holding company structure.
    The changes of trade name and purposes shall take effect on the effective date of the incorporation- type company split (planned for April 1, 2025), contingent upon the successful implementation of the incorporation-type company split in accordance with the Company's incorporation-type company split plan (scheduled for October 1, 2024).
  2. Change of number of directors
    For the purpose of ensuring swift and sound decision-making at the Board of Directors meetings, the number of Directors will be changed from "not exceeding fourteen (14)" to "not exceeding ten (10)." The change in the number of Directors will take effect at the close of the Meeting.
  3. Change in the frequency of dividends of surplus
    Article 44 of the existing Articles of Incorporation of the Company stipulates that the surplus dividends shall be distributed four times a year to the shareholders recorded in the last register as of March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31. With a change in this dividend policy, however, the Company will distribute surplus dividends twice a year at the end of the interim period and the end of the fiscal year.
    The change in the frequency of dividends of surplus will take effect at the close of the Meeting.
  4. Other changes in general
    Other than adjustments in the number of articles due to added articles, changes will also be made as necessary.
  1. Details of amendments
    The details of the amendments are as follows.

(Amended parts are underlined.)

Current Articles of Incorporation

Proposed Amendments

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

(Trade Name)

(Trade Name)

Article 1. The name of the Company is

Article 1. The name of the Company is




in English is SANIX HOLDINGS

INCORPORATED("the Company").



Article 2. The purposes of the Company shall be

The purposes of the Company shall be to engage in

to engage in the following businesses.

the following businesses, control and manage the

business activities of companies (including foreign

companies), partnerships (including their

equivalents in foreign countries), or other

equivalent entities that engage in the following

businesses by holding shares or interests in such

companies, etc., and engage in any and all

businesses related or incidental to the foregoing.


(1) - (31) [Omitted]

(1) - (31) [Unchanged]

(Newly established)


Holding, management, control, and purchase

and sale of securities and other investment


(Newly established)


Leasing of movables (machinery, vehicles,

equipment, software, etc.)




Current Articles of Incorporation

Proposed Amendments

Articles 3 - 18 [Omitted]

Articles 3 - 18


(Number of Directors)

(Number of Directors)

Article 19. The number of Directors other than

Article 19. The number of Directors other than

Directors who are Audit and Supervisory

Directors who are Audit and Supervisory

Committee Members of the Company shall not

Committee Members of the Company shall not

exceed fourteen (14).

exceed ten (10).

Articles 20 - 43 [Omitted]

Articles 20 - 43


(Record Date for Distribution of Surplus

(Record Date for Distribution of Surplus Dividends)


Article 44. The record date for distribution of

Article 44. The record date for distribution of

surplus dividends of the Company shall be March

surplus dividends of the Company shall be March

31 and September 30of each year.

31, June 30, September 30, and December 31of

each year.

Article 45


Article 45 [Omitted]

(Newly established)

(Supplementary Provisions)

The changes of the provisions of Article 1 (Trade

Name) and Article 2 (Purposes) of these Articles

of Incorporation shall take effect on the effective

date of the incorporation-type company split

(planned for April 1, 2025), contingent upon the

successful implementation of the incorporation-

type company split in accordance with the

Company's incorporation-type company split plan

(scheduled for October 1, 2024). These

supplementary provisions shall be removed once

the effective date has passed.


Proposal 3: Election of 6 Directors (Excluding Directors Who Are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members)

The terms of office of all Directors (excluding Directors who are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members; hereinafter the same shall apply in this proposal) will expire at the close of this Meeting. Accordingly, the Company proposes the election of 6 Directors.

The Audit and Supervisory Committee has determined that each candidate in this proposal is appropriate to be a Director of the Company.

The candidates for Directors are as follows:

Current positions and responsibilities at the

Attendance at



Board of Directors




Hiroshi Munemasa

President and CEO

16/16 times



Director, Executive Vice President and

Corporate Officer, General Manager of

16/16 times


Takeshi Inada

SE/HS/ES Business Control Division and


General Manager of Residential


Environment Business Company

Preparation Office

Director, Management Corporate Officer,

16/16 times


Michimasa Masuda


General Manager of Corporate Planning



Director, Management Corporate Officer,

Deputy General Manager of SE/HS/ES

16/16 times


Kazuyuki Tabata


Business Control Division, General


Manager of SE Business Division and

General Manager of HS Business Division

Director, Management Corporate Officer,

General Manager of Environmental

Resources Development Division, General

16/16 times


Hideki Takei


Manager of Resource Recycling Business


Department and General Manager of

Resource Circulation Business Company

Preparation Office

Director, Corporate Officer, General

16/16 times


Motoi Inoue

Manager of Sales Promotion Department,


Corporate Sales Department, SE/HS/ES


Business Control Division


  • Summary of opinions of the Audit and Supervisory Committee

The Audit and Supervisory Committee took into consideration the Company's specific management strategies, surrounding environment, and other factors, and carefully examined whether each candidate for Director has the necessary knowledge, experience, and ability to fulfill his roles and responsibilities, whether each candidate conforms to the nomination policy for candidates for Director, and whether the Board of Directors will function adequately. Moreover, the Committee discussed the work experience of each candidate for Director, and persons who are able to fulfill the roles expected of the Board of Directors, such as striving to enhance corporate value through making decisions on medium- to long-term management policy and supervising overall management, have been selected. The Committee has therefore determined that the candidates for Directors proposed in this proposal are appropriate.



Career summary, positions, responsibilities and significant

Number of


shares of the

(Date of birth)

concurrent positions

Company held

January 2003

Joined the Company

June 2007

Director, assigned to the Executive Office, in

charge of special assignments

June 2013

Director, Executive Vice President and

Corporate Officer

January 2017

President and CEO (to the present)

[Significant concurrent positions]


President and Representative Director, BUYON INC.


Chairman and Representative Director, Munemasa Syuzo

Hiroshi Munemasa

Co., Ltd.

Representative Director, SANIX SPORTS

(July 17, 1975)




Chairman and Representative Director, SANIX ENERGY


Chairman and Representative Director, SE WINGS


[Reasons for nomination

as a candidate for Director]

Since assuming office as President and CEO in 2017, to meet the trust of our shareholders, Mr. Hiroshi

Munemasa has taken on steering the management of the Company with strong leadership, putting in the

foreground the Group's corporate philosophy of "A comfortable environment for the next generation"

and corporate vision of "Become the top company in the environment and energy field" and contributed

to sustainable growth of the Group. The Company believes that he is a person that is able to continue to

work on strengthening the governance systems by utilizing his wealth of experience and achievements,

make appropriate decisions on the management of the entire Group and lead further growth of the

Group, and thus nominated him again as a candidate for Director.



Career summary, positions, responsibilities and significant

Number of


shares of the

(Date of birth)

concurrent positions

Company held

August 1998

Joined the Company

April 2009

General Manager of Kansai Area Division,

HS Business Division

June 2013

Management Corporate Officer, General

Manager of Kansai Area Division, HS

Business Division

April 2014

Management Corporate Officer, General

Manager of Kansai Area Division, West

Japan SE Business Division and General

Manager of Kansai Area Division, HS

Business Division

April 2015

Management Corporate Officer, General

Manager of North Kanto Area Division, East

Japan SE Business Division

December 2016

Management Corporate Officer, Deputy


General Manager of East Japan SE Business



April 2017

Management Corporate Officer, General

Takeshi Inada

Manager of SE/HS/ES Business Control


(March 4, 1979)


June 2017

Director, Management Corporate Officer,


General Manager of SE/HS/ES Business

Control Division

June 2023

Director, Executive Vice President and

Corporate Officer, General Manager of

SE/HS/ES Business Control Division

April 2024

Director, Executive Vice President and

Corporate Officer, General Manager of

SE/HS/ES Business Control Division and

General Manager of Residential

Environment Business Company Preparation

Office (to the present)

[Reasons for nomination

as a candidate for Director]

Since assuming office as Director, Mr. Takeshi Inada has demonstrated strong leadership through his

supervision of the SE/HS/ES business divisions. He has been contributing to the Company's growth and

development in the sales field, having worked on planning and strengthening sales strategies. Since June

2023, he has been supervising overarching corporate management tasks as Executive Vice President and

Corporate Officer, promoting growth strategies designed to further strengthen and expand the business

foundation of the entire Group. The Company believes that he is a person that is able to continue to

contribute to sustainable growth of the Group and enhancement of its corporate value over the medium

to long term, and thus nominated him again as a candidate for Director.



Career summary, positions, responsibilities and significant

Number of


shares of the

(Date of birth)

concurrent positions

Company held

April 2001

Joined the Company

July 2010

General Manager of Accounting Department

June 2012

Director, General Manager of Accounting


June 2015

Director, Management Corporate Officer,

General Manager of Accounting Department

and in charge of IT promotion

April 2017

Director, Management Corporate Officer,

Deputy General Manager of Administration

Division and General Manager of

Accounting Department

April 2019

Director, Management Corporate Officer,

Deputy General Manager of Administration

Division, General Manager of Accounting

Department and General Manager of Energy


Business Development Department, Energy

Business Division


November 2019

Director, Management Corporate Officer,

Michimasa Masuda

Deputy General Manager of Administration


(August 16, 1977)

Division and General Manager of Energy

Business Development Department, Energy


Business Division

June 2021

Director, Management Corporate Officer,

General Manager of Energy Business

Development Department, Energy Business


June 2022

Director, Management Corporate Officer,

General Manager of Corporate Division and

General Manager of Administration Division

July 2023

Director, Management Corporate Officer,

General Manager of Corporate Planning

Division (to the present)

[Reasons for nomination

as a candidate for Director]

Since assuming office as Director in 2012, Mr. Michimasa Masuda has been responsible for the

finance/accounting division and led the formulation and promotion of the Group's financial strategies.

Currently, as General Manager of the Corporate Planning Division, he is playing a central role in

formulating management strategies and budgets for the entire Group and strengthening the corporate

governance systems and other initiatives. The Company believes that he is a person that is able to

continue to contribute to sustainable growth of the Group and enhancement of its corporate value over

the medium to long term, and thus nominated him again as a candidate for Director.



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Sanix Inc. published this content on 10 June 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 10 June 2024 03:13:02 UTC.