Las Vegas, United States, Jan 8 (EFE).- South Korean technology giant Samsung Electronics presented new innovations Monday, showcasing appliances and televisions featuring Artificial Intelligence before the Consumer Electronics Show taking place this week in Las Vegas.

Samsung's AI ranges from a refrigerator that warns users when stored food is about to expire to the quality of its Neo QLED television, which can reach a resolution of 8K and the company compared to having a home theater.

The technology of this television, achieved by the integrated NQ8 AI Gen 3 AI processor, can also analyze voices and background noise with AI to optimize listening experience and produce subtitles.

Samsung seeks to create a greater role in homes for televisions, not only to offer entertainment, but also so users can manage their smart homes from the screen, as currently done by speakers from Amazon, Echo, Google and Nest.

Another feature of Samsung's presentation to the press was Ballie, a yellow domestic robot the size of a ball, which Samsung announced at CES 2020 and which could be released to the public this year, according to press reports.

Ballie, in addition to being a vacuum cleaner, has microphones and cameras to communicate to users what is happening in their homes through their smartphones.

The machine also features a projector that Ballie can use to interact with users, for example by displaying a welcome message on the floor when someone enters a home.

Rival technology company LG also presented a smart home robot Monday that seeks to create a "zero labor home," called an "AI agent," which has two legs with wheels and can "move, learn, understand and perform complex tasks."

The robot has a screen through which it can display its "emotions" in the form of a face and could be sold to the public from 2025.

Neither company specified the potential price range of their products.

The show will open its doors to the public Tuesday, but industry leaders such as LG, Samsung or Sony already presented some of their innovations to the press.

The annual event, which will run through Friday, will feature more than 4,000 exhibitors and hundreds of expert panelists. This year's star topic is expected to be AI. EFE

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