Alexander Inozemtsev, Open joint-stock company Moscow United Electric Grid Company's (MOESK) director for economy and finances told RIA Novosti that MOESK will continue with the talks for a potential acquisition of OAO United Energy Company (OEK). Inozemtsev said that MOESK is also in talks to acquire several territorial grid firms in the Moscow Region but he did not provide any names for the potential targets. Inozemtsev said, "All through the end of last year we were actively negotiating with the Moscow government over the purchase of OEK.

We find ourselves in negotiations at this point. We think that if the Moscow government agrees with our proposal, we can ensure the necessary high level of usage and on the basis of the two companies unify the remaining companies to the maximum. We have the same strivings in the region.

We are negotiating their purchase with the owners of a number of regional grid companies. But, since we have not arrived at the final stage of the deal, I would not want to name them, so as not to influence the negotiations."