One of the biggest differences between utilizing a cloud service versus a traditional IT environment to deploy an application is speed. Waiting weeks for new hardware to ship, get racked, configured, tested and integrated is a thing of the past.

Cloud services enable a much faster way for IT staff to add and change IT infrastructure. However, they want things to get better, faster and easier to use, just like the end users they serve.

Riverbed® Stingray™ application delivery controller software has always had a speed of deployment advantage over its rivals, but we're always looking for ways to give IT teams extra help.

We're pleased to be one of the first companies to take advantage of a new feature from AWS - deploy your solution with a single click. The 1-Click deployment option is available on all our Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) and it means that you can deploy Stingray Traffic Manager quickly with little additional configuration.

Now you can deploy infrastructure more quickly, have less configuration issues to resolve (although we like to think Stingray is pretty easy to use anyway!) and be ready to get whatever development, testing or production project that it's needed for off the ground faster and more cheaply, as time is money on AWS.

Moving to a cloud environment can bring significant advantages, and now we're seeing cloud providers enable the move beyond those big wins in terms of cost, speed of deployment and scalability to find those extra percentage points, or that small differential that will feed through from happier cloud users to happier end users.

Learn More

Stingray Traffic Manager on AWS Riverbed microsite

Stingray Traffic Manager on the AWS Marketplace

Riverbed Splash Community article on this feature

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