07-10-2015 Sale of Repower's interest in Swissgrid AG complete

On 23 December 2014, Repower announced that it had signed an agreement with an intercantonal consortium to sell its interest in Swissgrid AG, consisting of Swissgrid shares and a convertible loan granted to Swissgrid AG.

Following signature of the agreement, Axpo Power AG, Axpo Trading AG and Centralschweizerische Kraftwerke AG exercised their preemptive rights to acquire the Swissgrid shares (constituting an interest of 3.21% in Swissgrid AG) held by Repower.

The convertible loan granted to Swissgrid AG has been acquired by a consortium comprising Canton Graubünden, Elektrizitätswerk des Kantons Thurgau (EKT Holding AG), Kantonales Elektrizitätswerk Nidwalden and UBS Clean Energy Infrastructure Switzerland KGK.

A total of around CHF 59 million has accrued to Repower by way of these transactions.

Stefan Kessler
CH-7742 Poschiavo
T +41 81 423 7846
M +41 78 774 1419

Werner Steinmann
Head of Media Relations
CH-7742 Poschiavo
T +41 81 839 7111
M +41 79 831 5213

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