12 December 2013

Arlanis Reply, the Reply Group's company specialising in Salesforce solutions, opens in Munich its first Social Media Command Center powered by Salesforce Radian6. The Center in the Reply Munich office is a dedicated area where the companies can listen and engage in social conversations around their brand and market in real-time. The Reply Social Media Command Center allows the monitoring of social media trends, thus enabling businesses to improve their marketing and communication strategies.

The digital age, through the explosion of social media channels, has massively empowered users and consumers which are now more than ever involved in a brand's reputation building processes. This is prompting companies to network more with customers, identify digital influencers in their respective industries and actively seek dialogue with the online communities.

Thanks to the Arlanis Reply Social Media Command Center, which was developed in co-operation with salesforce.com, companies are able to increase their understanding of the social media conversations happening around their brands, products or services. The Center is powered by Salesforce Radian6, the leading social listening application, which monitors more than 650 million sources globally in 22 languages, including the Twitter Firehose of 400 million tweets per day. It was named a "leader" and "most innovative" vendor in independent research firm Forrester Research, Inc.'s "The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise Listening Plaforms, Q2 2012".

Through intuitive multi-screens, the Center provides a wide variety of real-time interactive analysis on top influencers and opinion leaders, sentiment of posts and tweets, share of voice, conversation volume, geographic hotspots and many other key aspects which help to enhance the organization's understanding of the marketplace and consumers needs.

With the launch of the Social Media Command Center, Arlanis Reply, aims to increasingly support companies in the complex transition from traditional customer relationship management (CRM) to a customer-driven, pervasive relationship model.

More info: www.reply.eu/socialmedia-commandcenter
Email contact: commandcenter@reply.eu

Arlanis Reply
Arlanis Reply is the Reply Group company that specialises in the design, implementation and integration of Salesforce.com solutions and services as well as providing best-in-class digital and multichannel CRM consulting. As a Premium Consulting Partner of Salesforce.com Arlanis Reply is highly experienced in international roll-outs and has developed a best practice approach to multi-country implementations. With a wealth of experience in the migration and integration of CRM solutions, Cloud SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) and PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) architectures, Arlanis Reply provides a full set of end-to-end of services. Arlanis Reply is specialised in upgrading legacy CRM solutions with SaaS CRM, to develop a digital CRM that incorporates social media monitoring and social marketing integration. Arlanis Reply is the first Salesforce.com partner to open a Social Media Command Center in Germany.www.reply.eu

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