(Alliance News) - Relatech Spa announced Wednesday that it has signed a strategic agreement with Credemtel Spa, a company of the Credito Emiliano Spa group, to manage cybersecurity services for its own and the banking group's customers through ReSOC , the proprietary cybersecurity services and solutions asset of the Relatech ecosystem.

The partnership agreement is the result in a long selection process that Credemtel started about two years ago aimed at identifying and selecting the best partner with high know-how and expertise in cybersecurity that could integrate with Credemtel's cyber expertise.

Relatech, through its subsidiary Mediatech, was selected as the best digital partner with proven expertise in security, among several candidate companies nationwide.

Relatech is in the green by 0.9 percent to EUR2.31 per share, while Credem is up 2.6 percent to EUR7.09 per share.

By Claudia Cavaliere, Alliance News reporter

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