Reborn Coffee Inc. announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") for a strategic investment of $5 million from KIB Plug Energy Korea. This investment is set to transform the coffee service model by combining premium coffee services with electric vehicle ("EV") charging stations. This initiative marks a significant advancement in combining sustainable practices with everyday consumer needs.

Through this collaboration, Reborn Coffee and KIB Plug Energy Korea are developing a unique way to service coffee that caters not only to the discerning tastes of coffee enthusiasts but also serves the rapidly growing community of EV users. This expansion strategy not only demonstrates Reborn Coffee's innovative approach to business but also signifies its dedication to playing a pivotal role in building sustainable communities. By integrating coffee service with EV charging stations, Reborn Coffee is not just transforming the concept of a coffee break but is also contributing to the development of eco-friendly infrastructure in communities.