Commercial kitchen equipment supplier Rational has benefited from a major order from a customer in Asia and earned more than expected in the past year.

Operating profit rose by 17 percent to around 277 million euros in 2023, Rational announced on Thursday. At around 24.5 percent, the profit margin was higher than expected. Price increases also played a role in this. Sales climbed by ten percent to around 1.125 billion euros.

Business was particularly good in Asia, where turnover increased by almost a quarter. The recovery in China was particularly noticeable here, as was a major order from a restaurant chain. In North and South America combined, Rational generated almost a fifth more sales. The European business lagged behind with an increase in sales of five percent; in the German market, sales shrank by three percent.

(Report by Christina Amann, edited by Ralf Banser. If you have any queries, please contact our editorial team at (for politics and the economy) or (for companies and markets)