Rakuten, Inc. announced the following personnel change which was approved by its Board of Directors on March 30, 2017. The company appointed Kentaro Hyakuno as Executive Vice President, COO&CMO, Group Executive Vice President, currently he is Managing Executive Officer, COO&CMO, Group Executive Vice President; appointed Naho Kono as Managing Executive Office, E-Commerce Company President, currently he is Senior Executive Office, E-Commerce Company President; appointed Yuzo Hashiya, Insurance Company President as Executive Officer, Insurance Company President; appointed Kazuhiko Kasahara, Card & Payments Company, Point Partner Business Department,  General Manager as Executive Officer, Card & Payments Company, Point Partner Business Department,  General Manager; appointed Ryo Matsumura,  E-Commerce Company Director as Executive Officer, E-Commerce Company Director; Yoshiyuki Takano,  Life & Leisure Company, Travel Business,  Vice President as Executive Officer,  Life & Leisure Company, Travel Business,  Vice President; and Arjen van de Vall, Rakuten Europe Chief Commercial Officer as Executive Officer, Rakuten Europe Chief Commercial Officer, effective April 1, 2017.