Radiopharm Theranostics Limited announced that Imperial College London has released additional data related to the F-18 Pivalate (RAD 101) Phase 2a imaging trial in patients with brain metastases. High contrast images were seen at 60 minutes after radiotracer injection. The images showed the maximum standardised uptake within lesions compared to the mean differed in a statistically significant manner (Mean ± SEM of 1.54 ± 0.11 vs 0.47 ± 0.04 (p 0.0001).

The calculated Tumour-to-Background ratio ranged from 1.73 to 6.07 (Mean ± SEM of 3.85 ± 0.33) which supports the assertion of high image contrast in patients regardless of the origin of the primary cancer. The initial data showed significant tumour uptake that was consistent and independent from the tumour origin, and also indicated that Pivalate can be used to monitor cerebral metastases.