RAADR, Inc. announced that the Parental Monitoring App 2.0 will be available for download on January 30, 2022. The company and its affiliates will run through a full beta test beginning on or around January 20, 2022 and the app is expected to be available for public download at both the Google Play App Store and the Apple App Store on January 30, 2022. The app will target and serve 2 vertical markets that the company believes makes up a large percentage of all young children, teens, and young adults who use social media. Parents of young children in the country who want to track potentially inappropriate behavior on social media represents the first vertical market. The other vertical market and perhaps the larger market is bullying which has become one of the most discussed subjects in the world. Initially, the app was scheduled to be released in Fourth Quarter 2021. However, because of supply chain issues related to the labor force due to the ongoing worldwide pandemic, RAADR is announcing the new nationwide release date of January 30, 2022. The RAADR 2.0 Parental Monitoring App will be able to simultaneously monitor social media activity on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and many other social media platforms. This broad capability allows the RAADR Parental Monitoring App to monitor many of the social media platforms that are used by young people. The company also believes it is making great progress with Snapchat and expects to have the app effectively monitoring Snapchat posts sometime in 2022. The company uses highly sophisticated machine learning convolutional neural networks to analyze visual imagery. The app will allow parents to protect their children from cyber-bullying, inappropriate content, and harmful posts. The app tracks the child’s social media posts and posts containing the child’s likeness by keywords, images, and facial recognition software.