Pure Storage announced that FlashBlade, the company's second product built for high-performance unstructured workloads, is now generally available and is shipping in both 8.8TB and 52TB blade capacities with the Elasticity 1.2 software. Modern engineers, scientists and developers seek a new type of storage platform – one that can deliver lightning-fast performance across a massive expanse of data and connect clients simply and easily. FlashBlade provides that platform without the complexity or cost of legacy or exotic systems. With the relentless digitization of the global economy, data is at the core of competitiveness and differentiation. Organizations have started investing heavily in both data science professionals and tools to mine value from data. Data-intensive storage workloads are thus proliferating – real-time and big data analytics, genomics sequencing, advanced analytics in professional sports, financial analysis, oil & gas exploration and large-scale online gaming platforms – with each driving a new and ever-increasing set of storage requirements. Improving Personalized Healthcare with Genomics With FlashBlade, genomics labs and research facilities can conduct secondary analysis workflow to sequence genomes, as well as filter, reassemble and align reads to construct a sequence. FlashBlade also enables the conversion of data into base pairs and the computation of quality scores, and allows organizations to convert raw genomic data. The ADAM/Big Data Genomics project, working in the UC Berkeley EECS department, builds healthcare tools and technologies that can be transferred from academia to clinical care. Researchers and graduate students interact with massive data sets as they look to make correlations within the data, which makes visualization a key to success. FlashBlade delivers the performance and speed required to run difficult, data-intensive visualizations as the data is set in three dimensions.