PT Anugrah Cakrawala Dunia made an offer to acquire remaining 30.3% stake in PT Agro Yasa Lestari Tbk (IDX:AYLS) from group of shareholders for IDR 13.1 billion on April 27, 2021. Under the terms of offer, PT Anugrah Cakrawala Dunia will acquire 258.7 million shares at IDR 50.74 per share. Payments for Shareholders who participate in the Mandatory Tender Offer and have completely submitted all of the required documents specified in this Information Disclosure will be conducted on June 8, 2021, and paid in rupiah currency. Applicants must be registered as Shareholders at the Target Company and have previously opened a Securities Account at a Securities Company/Custodian Bank that are registered in the Indonesia Central Securities Depository’s (KSEI) Collective Custody before the Closing Date.The Mandatory Tender Offer Period will last for 30 Calendar Days i. e May 27, 2021. PT. Adimitra Jasa Korpora acted as registrar to PT Agro Yasa Lestari Tbk.