Berlin, 9 January 2015 - PSI will be presenting a comprehensive solution portfolio for the energy sector from 10 to 12 February at the E-world in Essen (Hall 3, Stand 326). Along with software solutions for virtual power plants, energy trading and sales, auditing of major gas metering plants, portfolio planning and optimisation, network control systems and the implementation of the regulatory requirements for systems in gas logistics will be shown.

PSImarket supports energy trading with all the essential functions from the deal compilation through the portfolio and risk management, the analysis and optimisation, the registration and nomination of the schedule, EMIR, REMIT up to the invoicing as well as the energy distribution including cost margin calculations, sales planning and controlling. The connection of the operative trading system to the planning and optimization system is established on a uniform system basis with the integration of the gas management analysis and planning system (GAPS). In addition, the current, integrated solution PSIvpp for virtual power plants will be presented. The enclosed intelligent pool controller based on a multi-criteria optimisation is suitable for the use of a large number of plants in real time.

Furthermore, the new releases of the market-leading system TS Energy 7 for stochastic optimisation will be presented with a widely expanded scope of functions such as the web-based portal for supporting trading. The platform provides traders with pre-opening daily margin prices and generation volumes as well as post-closing distributions of the next day, including an action plan and the remaining flexibility of the plant. It also provides an overview of the planned performance of the plant portfolio for the following day and during the day as well as support for dispatching network services.

The Electrical Energy segment will present PSIcontrol, which, along with extensive network calculation programs for every supply unit, provides extensive energy management functions for transportation grids and distribution network operators. Beside with the software solution PSIcommand for the identification of disruptions and determination as well as implementation of the resultant actions, PSI provides, with the modular PSIpassage systems, innovative solutions in the liberalised energy market for both transmission as well as distribution network operators.

Furthermore, the Smart Telecontrol Unit communication solution for intelligent electrical networks will be demonstrated. This unit is used as a compact DIN rail device in the upstream process connection of substations to the control rooms of the PSIcontrol system.

With the PSItransport, PSItransact and PSItransstore solutions, the logistics business processes of the transport and storage service providers, storage and network operators as well as traders in the gas market are reproduced. A flexible workflow management, an efficient contract management and a powerful communication guarantee an effective and economically optimized implementation of the processes. Additional regulations of the European market model have been reproduced. Currently, the solution portfolio for the gas market is being expanded with functions such as those for emergency supply and overbooking. The web-based solution PSIportal serves the visualisation and reporting of master and dynamic data.

On the basis of its own software products, PSI AG develops and integrates complete solutions for energy management (gas, oil, electricity, heat, energy trading), production management (mining, metals, automotive, mechanical engineering, logistics) and infrastructure management for transport and safety. PSI was founded in 1969 and employs 1,700 persons worldwide.

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