Focus: trade, sales and optimisation, gas and electricity logistics, web-based data management as well as results from Smart Watts

Berlin, 18 January 2013 - The PSI Group will be presenting a comprehensive portfolio of solutions for the energy sector at the E-world (Hall 3, Stand 326) in Essen from 5 to 7 February. Along with software solutions, the focal points will be on trade, sales and optimisation in systems for gas and electricity logistics and a web-based data management. In addition, new results from the Smart Watts research project will be presented.

PSImarket supports the energy trade with all the essential functions from deal management to portfolio and risk management as well as energy logistics processing of the business to invoicing. The new release 3.13 contains numerous extensions and improvements with a focus on middle and back office functions. In addition, PSImarket significantly expands the sale of gas and electricity and offers new automation, analysis and controlling functions.

Along with this, the TS Energy solution for stochastic optimisation for evaluation, risk analysis and optimisation of energy portfolios including complex contracts, options and power plants will be presented. As additional developments, the integration of gas industry analysis and planning systems for the short, middle and long-term sales and acquisition planning for gas supply companies and the integration of the stochastic optimization in in PSImarket will be shown.

The logistic business processes of the transportation and storage service providers, storage and network operators and traders in the gas industry are reproduced with PSItransport, PSItransstore and PSItransact. A flexible workflow management, an efficient contract management and a powerful communication by means of commercially available protocols guarantee an effective and economically optimal implementation of the business processes. For example, the business processes from the range of tasks of the European market models such as offsetting energies, balance grid, schedule, shipper or OBA management are covered.

In the framework of the PSIpassage systems, new and proven modules for the automation of the market processes of electricity transmission and distribution network providers will be demonstrated. Along with the general market communication, the focus here is on the automated network coordination as an extension of the PSIpassage schedule management.

The web-based PSIportal solution serves the visualization and reporting of master and transaction data. Data from various sources and special applications such as planning and disposition, dispatching or invoicing can be archived in one system and accessed for evaluations.

Furthermore, PSI will be presenting new results from the research project Smart Watts, supported by the German Ministry of Economics (Bundeswirtschaftsministerium). An interactive model, which is controlled by means of a touchscreen, communicates the system connections. The software implemented is targeted for the optimal integration of renewable energy sources in the energy system and includes an incentives-based "Demand Side Management" including the invoicing of innovative rates.

PSI AG develops and integrates complete solutions, on the basis of its own software products, for the management of energy networks (electricity, gas, oil, heat), production management (metals, automotive, mechanical engineering, mining, logistics) and infrastructure management for transport and safety. PSI was founded in 1969 and employs approximately 1.600 people in the group.

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