Protect Pharmaceutical Corporation announced another successful application of its Agropharm A product fertilizer in Istria, Croatia. Agropharm A was tested on a lettuce farm that produces snail feed for industrial snail production. The product was applied to the client’s field in three treatments in the following manner: Method and time of treatment with Agropharm A: First treatment (July 8, 2020): Soaking seedlings (containers) in concentration 2:50 (2L css:50L H2O) for 1 minute before transplanting; - Second treatment (July 13, 2020): 7 days after transplanting, foliar use (1:50); - Third treatment (July 23, 2020): Foliar use (1:50), 15 days after first use combined with a fungicide application (Sygnum) for prevention of disease (Botrytis Cinerea); The first harvest was collected on August 2nd, 2020. Compared with the control field, lettuce treated with Agropharm A increased both leaf size by 30% bigger and crop weight by at least 25%.