The Directors of Promisia Integrative Limited advise that due to an administrative oversight director Thomas Brankin was not nominated for re-election at the annual meeting of shareholders held on 31 May 2018 as required by the NZX Listing Rules. Listing Rule 3.3.11 requires that one third of directors retire by rotation each year and that their reappointment should be placed before shareholders for consideration at the annual meeting of shareholders. This administrative oversight and inadvertent breach of the Listing Rules does not have any impact on the decisions of the directors since 31 May 2018 or the resolutions for consideration by shareholders at a special meeting of shareholders to be held on 4 December 2018. In order to rectify this situation, and ensure compliance with the NZX Listing Rules, Mr. Brankin has resigned as a director of the company and has been reappointed immediately by the independent directors. Mr. Brankin has consented to his appointment as a director of the company. Mr. Brankin will be required to have his re-election placed before shareholders at the 2019 annual meeting of shareholders. The directors consider that Mr. Brankin is not an independent director.