Procurri Corporation Limited considered the recommendation of the Nominating Committee, and assessed Mr. Wong's qualifications and experience, is of the view that he has the requisite experience and capabilities to assume the duties and responsibilities as Group Chairman and Non-Independent Non-Executive Director of the Company. Job Title is Non-Independent Non-Executive Director, Group Chairman, Member of Audit, Nominating, Remuneration and Strategy Committees. Working Experience includes 2011 - Present: Group CEO of DeClout Pte.

Ltd. Mr. Wong is the Group CEO and a director of DeClout. The services offering of DeClout's subsidiary, ARCO Pte. Ltd. ("ARCO"), has some overlaps with certain parts of the Company.

Mr. Wong was previously a director (but not an employee) of ARCO and has resigned from that position on 15 June 2022. To further mitigate any potential conflicts of interest with ARCO, for so long as Mr. Wong is the Group CEO and/or a director of DeClout and the service offerings of ARCO has overlaps with the Company, Mr. Wong will not participate in any proceedings of the Board, and shall in any event abstain from voting, in respect of any contract, arrangement, proposal, transaction or matter where there would be a material conflict of interest with ARCO. Mr. Wong is cognisant that, as a director of the Company, he must act in the best interest of the Company and must not make improper use of his position or any information acquired by virtue of his position to gain, directly or indirectly, an advantage for himself or for any other person or to cause detriment to the Company.

Mr. Wong is the Group CEO and a director of DeClout Pte. Ltd. ("DeClout"). DeClout is a substantial shareholder of the Company.

Other Directorships Past includes ARCO Pte. Ltd. Asia Wiring Systems Pte Ltd. CamelOne Pte. Ltd. Corous360 Pte.

Ltd. Epicsoft Asia Pte. Ltd. FundTier Pte. Ltd. FundTier Holdings Pte.

Ltd. Guud (Africa) Pte. Ltd. Guud (Source) Pte. Ltd. Intelledox Australia Pty Ltd. Pacific Wave Pte Ltd. Play-E Pte.

Ltd. Play-E (Taiwan) Pte. Ltd. Play-E Corporation Pte. Ltd. Playworks Pte.

Ltd. Other Directorships Present includes 3rd Space Pte. Ltd. Aeqon Pte. Ltd. Ascent Solutions Pte.

Ltd. DeClout Pte. Ltd. DeClout Investments Pte. Ltd. DeClout Ventures Pte.

Ltd. Guud Pte. Ltd. Hexaton Capital Pte. Ltd. Mise En Plas Private Limited vCargo Cloud Pte.

Ltd. Appointment as Chief Executive Officer (i.e. not Directorship). Professional Qualifications is Diploma in Electronics & Communication Engineering from Singapore Polytechnic.