Premier Investments Limited provided earnings guidance for the first half of fiscal 2017. The company's total sales for the first half of fiscal 2017 are expected to come in at a first half record sales number of approximately $588.6 million. This is a 7.1% increase on first half of fiscal 2016 on a 26 week versus 26 week basis. The company's underlying first half of fiscal 2017 EBIT is expected to be between $92.0 million and $93.0 million. The company's first half of fiscal 2016 underlying EBIT for the comparable 26 week period were $84.1 million. The first half of fiscal 2017 underlying EBIT is, therefore, expected to reflect an increase of between 9.4% and 10.6% on first half of fiscal 2016 numbers on a comparable 26 week versus 26 week basis.