PolyMet Mining Corp. announced the appointment of Denton Henkelman as vice president and project director. In a career spanning 36 years, Mr. Henkelman has led engineering and construction of major hard rock mining projects including the Eagle nickel-copper mine in Michigan, the Diavik diamond mine in Canada's Northwest Territories, iron-ore expansions, oil sands developments, and ancillary facilities such as refineries, shipping ports, water management systems and railways globally.

Most recently, Mr. Henkelman was project director of Baffinland Iron Mines Corp.'s major iron ore mine expansion in the Canadian Arctic. Numbered in Mr. Henkelman's project development portfolio are Rio Tinto's Yarwun II alumina refinery project in Queensland, Australia, Cleveland Cliffs' Bloom Lake Iron Ore mine expansion in northern Quebec, Canada, and OPTI Canada Inc.'s Long Lake Phase I Oil Sands Upgrader located near Fort McMurray, Alberta.