Pointerra Limited confirmed the award of material contracts by new and existing US energy utility customers. The company has been formally awarded the project with a contract sum of between USD 2.37 million and USD 4.0 million. The actual contract sum will be determined in conjunction with Entergy management and will depend on the extent of the scope of the LiDAR capture area, which will be determined during the initial onboarding and planning phase of the project in coming weeks, however the initial contract sum will be for a minimum of USD 2.37 million. The contract includes hosting the processed and analysed LiDAR data from this project in the Pointerra3D digital twin platform for an initial 12-month period. Significantly, Entergy's spend with the company is also expected to grow over time as more service areas and data are added to support the gradual build-out of Entergy's network-wide digital twin in the Pointerra3D platform, pursuant to the newly awarded contract vehicle with Entergy, which is capable of being added to over time by different Entergy business units.