Pixium Vision announced that the world’s first successful human implantation and activation of PRIMA, its new generation miniaturized wireless photovoltaic sub-retinal implant, in a patient with severe vision loss from atrophic dry Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD). The PRIMA Bionic Vision System successfully elicited visual perception. This enables the patient to start the re-education phase as per the trial protocol, which includes a 6-month follow-up and progress update. This study is designed to evaluate the safety and performance of PRIMA in eliciting central visual perception among patients who have lost their central sight due to atrophic advanced dry-AMD. The study will recruit up to 5 patients with evaluation at 6-month follow-up, and longer-term follow-up to 36 months. Dr. Yannick Le Mer, pioneering ophthalmologist and retinal surgeon, performed the first PRIMA implantation as part of the feasibility clinical study1 of PRIMA in France being conducted at Fondation Ophtalmologique Rothschild and Hôpital des Quinze-Vingt in Paris.