Pharmacolog's partner, Codonics Inc. installed WasteLog in two new hospitals and places an additional order for thirteen WasteLog units which will add approximately SEK 5 million to the company whereof SEK 2 million is payment for already delivered systems. Pharmacolog's distributor and strategic partner Codonics, Cleveland, Ohio continues to take orders and supply WasteLog devices to leading US hospitals. The risk of narcotic drugs ending up in the wrong hands, so-called Drug Diversion, is a pervasive problem in healthcare. Every healthcare facility is vulnerable to Drug Diversion and must have a comprehensive program to prevent it from occurring.

An important part of any drug diversion prevention program is an effective and reliable waste control process. Interest in analytical equipment for waste screening of narcotic preparations is growing steadily and as a result Pharmacolog and Codonics are experiencing increased demand for WasteLog. During the fourth quarter of 2022, Codonics took several orders to be installed during the first quarter 2023 and therefore, they ordered an additional thirteen WasteLog units for immediate delivery.