Perspecta Inc. in partnership with PRA Health Sciences announced the successful launch of the Software as a Service (SaaS) recruitment, enrollment, engagement and feedback (REEF) solution the company delivered to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to meet the modernization needs of the agency's Million Veteran Program (MVP). MVP is a national, voluntary research program funded by the VA Office of Research and Development. The goal of MVP is to partner with veterans who receive care in the VA health care system to study how genes affect health.

To do this, MVP is building one of the world's largest medical databases by safely collecting blood samples and health information from more than one million veteran volunteers. Officially known as MVP Online, the online application was built by Perspecta on Clinical6, PRA's SaaS mobile clinical trial platform for patient enrollment, engagement and data collection. MVP Online will enable veterans to find additional information about the program, read testimonials, enroll and electronically consent into the program, complete surveys, and generally replace the existing paper processes through a single website.

MVP Online will also allow the VA to better engage, recruit and increase retention in the MVP program.