Perimeter Medical Imaging AI, Inc. announced that Mr. Anantha Kancherla has been appointed to its Board of Directors following his nomination by Social Capital, effective immediately. Anantha Kancherla is currently Engineering Director at Meta, where he is head of its AI platform. Previously, as VP of Engineering at Lyft, Mr. Kancherla led the Level5 software team responsible for building the self-driving car.

Mr. Kancherla previously worked on Windows at Microsoft focusing on DirectX, Graphics and UI. In his former role at Facebook, Mr. Kancherla participated in pioneering the building of mobile software at scale for over a billion users all over the world. Previously, Mr. Kancherla led efforts at Dropbox to launch Dropbox Paper as well as improve core collaboration functionality in Dropbox.

Mr. Kancherla obtained a B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, and a MS degree in Computer Science from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.