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Peninsular Gold Limited ­ PGL Half Yearly Report

Released 11:30 12­Jun­2015

RNS Number : 0250Q Peninsular Gold Limited
12 June 2015
12 June 2015

Peninsular Gold Limited ('Peninsular Gold' or the 'Company' or the 'Group') (AIM: PGL) Interim Results (Unaudited) For The Six Month Period To 31st December 2014

Peninsular Gold Limited, the gold production and exploration group focused on Malaysia, today releases its Interim Results for the six months ended 31st December 2014.

Financial and Operations

 Loss after tax for the Group of £4,278,067 (2013: Loss £2,837,459)
 Loss per share 4.97p (2013: Loss 3.30p)
  Proposed change in conditions to environmental requirements in relation to tailings dams location caused operations at Raub to be suspended, as was announced 2 December 2014
 Peninsular Gold Limited requested suspension from AIM on 2 December 2014 pending clarification of its financial position following the halting of operations at Raub
 Alkhair Bank agrees to deferment of principal payments until March 2015
 Convertible loan note holders agree to 6 month extension of maturity to June 2015

Post Period

 £1.8m raised for working capital via convertible loan notes in January 2015
 Bank Rakyat agrees to payments deferral until June 2015 and a further partial deferral until November 2015
 Company seeking a further deferral from convertible loan note holders to December 2015
 Tailings dam location issue resolved, with no new requirements, as announced 1 June 2015
 Intention to secure additional funds during June 2015
 Alkhair agrees to principal payment deferral until June 2015
 Company seeking further deferral from Alkhair Bank
 Gold production at Raub intended to resume during July 2015, subject to securing additional funds

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position (Unaudited) At 31st December 2014 (Expressed in United Kingdom Sterling) 31st December 2014 31st December 2013 30th June 2014

Notes(Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited)

£ £ £ Non­Current Assets

Property, plant and equipment 2 42,916,654 44,373,674 43,540,775

Other intangible assets 3 13,576,695 13,983,544 13,652,948

Mining development expenditure 4 7,288,654 7,160,159 7,262,637

Total Non­current Assets 63,782,003 65,517,377 64,456,360 Current Assets

Inventories 5 4,301,645 3,494,886 3,728,210

Other receivables 6 610,197 1,052,949 948,904

Short­term investments

­ 133,381 159,855

Cash and cash equivalents








Current Liabilities

Trade and other payables






Current tax liability








Total Current Liabilities




Net Current Liabilities




Total Assets Less Current Liabilities




Non­Current Liabilities

Trade and other payables










Provision for mine restoration





Total Non­Current Liabilities




Net Assets




Shareholders' Equity

Share capital





Stated capital account









Total Equity




Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income (Unaudited) For the Period From 1st July 2014 to 31st December 2014 (Expressed in United Kingdom Sterling) Six months ended 31st December 2014 Six months ended 31st December 2013 Year ended 30th June 2014

Notes(Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited)

£ £ £ Revenue 204,573 8,671,910 16,450,074

Less: Cost of sales (1,738,809) (6,704,849) (12,760,462)

Gross (Loss)/ Profit (1,534,236) 1,967,061 3,689,612

Administrative expenses (1,014,838) (1,462,825) (2,715,947) Other operating expenses (515,081) (636,883) (1,239,810) Financial income 3,663 331 3,528

Finance costs 13,14 (1,031,316) (1,226,468) (2,328,685) Loss on extinguishment of

convertible loan notes 9 (155,861) ­ ­ Foreign exchange loss (59,094) (1,462,032) (1,702,239) Other income 28,696 2,937 3,897

Loss before taxation 14 (4,278,067) (2,817,879) (4,289,644) Income tax expense 15 ­ (19,580) (16,699)

Loss for the Period (4,278,067) (2,837,459) (4,306,343)

Other Comprehensive


Exchange difference arising on translation of foreign


125,699 (1,377,786) (1,540,331)

Other Comprehensive

Income/(Expense) for the Period,

net of tax 125,699 (1,377,786) (1,540,331)

Total Comprehensive Expense for

the Period (4,152,368) (4,215,245) (5,846,674) Loss attributable to :

Equity shareholders of the parent (4,278,067) (2,837,459) (4,306,343) Basic and diluted loss per share 16 (4.97p) (3.30p) (5.01p)

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity (Unaudited) For the Period From 1st July 2014to 31st December 2014 (Expressed in United Kingdom Sterling)


Stated capital



















At 1st July 2013

­ 40,897,957 (3,646,515) 456,303 ­ 2,734,187 40,441,932

Loss for the period ­ ­ (2,837,459) ­ ­ ­ (2,837,459)

Other Comprehensive


Exchange difference arising on translation of foreign

operations ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ (1,377,786) (1,377,786)

Equity element of

Convertible loan notes

­ ­ ­ ­ 54,054 ­ 54,054

At 31st December 2013 ­ 40,897,957 (6,483,974) 456,303 54,054 1,356,401 36,280,741

Loss for the period ­ ­ (1,468,884) ­ ­ ­ (1,468,884)

Other Comprehensive


Exchange difference arising on translation of foreign

operations ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ (162,545) (162,545)

At 1st July 2014 ­ 40,897,957 (7,952,858) 456,303 54,054 1,193,856 34,649,312

Loss for the period ­ ­ (4,278,067) ­ ­ ­ (4,278,067)

Other Comprehensive


Exchange difference arising on translation of foreign

operations ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ 125,699 125,699

At 31st December 2014 ­ 40,897,957 (12,230,925) 456,303 54,054 1,319,555 30,496,944

*Other reserve relates to the equity element of convertible loan notes issued by the Company (note 9).

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows (Unaudited) For the Period From 1st July 2014 to 31st December 2014 (Expressed in United Kingdom Sterling) Six months ended 31st December 2014 Six months ended 31st December 2013 Year ended 30th June 2014 Operating Activities (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) £ £ £

Loss before tax (4,278,067) (2,817,879) (4,289,644) Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 724,593 978,906 1,720,822

Finance costs 968,704 1,157,325 2,217,646

Loss on extinguishment of convertible loan notes 155,861 ­ ­ Interest income (3,663) (331) (3,528) (Profit)/loss on disposal of fixed assets (21,172) ­ 8,053

Loss on foreign exchange 59,093 1,462,032 1,665,524

Amortisation of mining development expenditure 31,754 182,981 340,882

Unwinding of discount on restoration provision 12,252 12,396 23,160

Amortisation of other intangible assets 76,253 427,726 758,322

Amortisation of issue costs of convertible loan

notes 7,353 378 7,353

Amortisation of transaction costs for bank loan 25,259 26,369 51,039

Preference dividend 30,000 30,000 60,000

Cash inflow before working capital changes (2,211,780) 1,459,903 2,559,629 Taxation paid (122,906) (19,580) (185,036) Changes in working capital:

(Increase)/decrease in inventories (573,436) 840,266 606,942

Decrease in trade and other receivables 338,707 117,033 221,078

Increase/(decrease) in trade and other payables 3,220,558 (1,461,326) 2,205,243

Cash inflow from operating activities 651,143 936,296 5,407,856 Investing Activities

Interest received 3,663 331 3,528

Purchase of property, plant and equipment (457,033) (1,586,614) (1,976,103) Proceeds from disposal of fixed assets 662,090 ­ ­ Mining development expenditure (20,022) (200,536) (537,159) Placement of fixed deposit ­ ­ (1,981) Withdrawal of fixed deposit 159,855 24,493 ­

Cash inflow/(outflow) from investing activities 348,553 (1,762,326) (2,511,715) Six months ended 31st December 2014 Six months ended 31st December 2013 Year ended 30th June 2014 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) £ £ £ Financing Activities

Repayment of bank loans ­ (1,323,448) (2,313,675) Repayment of hire purchase obligations (79,947) (33,040) (55,631) Proceeds from issue of convertible loan notes,

net of transaction costs (Note 9) ­ 1,185,294 1,185,294

Finance costs paid (937,087) (1,193,848) (1,689,181)

Cash outflow from financing activities (1,017,034) (1,365,042) (2,873,193) Net (decrease) /increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents

(17,338) (2,191,072)


Cash and Cash Equivalents at beginning of Period

247,038 264,659 264,659

Impact of cash held in foreign currencies (111,091) 2,130,262 (40,569)

Cash and Cash Equivalents at end of Period

(Note 7) 118,609 203,849 247,038 Notes to the Financial Statements (Unaudited) For the Period From 1st July 2014 to 31st December 2014 1. Accounting Policies

These financial statements for the period from 1st July 2014 to 31st December 2014 have been prepared in accordance with International
Accounting Standard 34 which applies to interim financial statements.
The same accounting policies and methods of computation are followed in these interim financial statements as were used in the preparation of the financial statements for the year ended 30th June 2014. A copy of those accounts is available on The information provided as comparatives herein for the year ended 30th June 2014 does not constitute the full statutory accounts as per Jersey law by itself. This information was derived from the statutory accounts for the year ended 30th June 2014, a copy of which has been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report on the said accounts was not qualified although it contains an emphasis of matter with regard to going concern.

Basis of preparation

Going concern

The financial statements have been prepared on the going concern basis. At 31st December 2014 the Group had net current liabilities of £ 30.9 million (2013: £ 10.8 million). Of this total, £ 18.2 million (2013: £2.6 million) represents the current portion of bank loans repayable within one year.
The bank loans are presented as current liabilities, as at 31st December 2014 the Group was still awaiting the written confirmation from its principal lender, Bank Rakyat Kerjasama Malaysia Bhd ("Bank Rakyat"), of its verbally given agreement to defer the commencement of scheduled payments due to the Bank until June 2015. Confirmation of the agreement to defer the commencement of payments was given after the period end. Also at 31st December 2014, The Group did not meet the required Finance Service Cover Ratio on the Alkhair bank loan, although Alkhair bank had agreed, before 31 December 2014, to the deferral of repayments until March 2015 and subsequently until June 2015. The presentation of the bank obligations in these interim results as current liabilities represents the accounting treatment necessary to comply with IAS 1"Presentation of Financial Statements".
On 2nd December 2014, the Group issued an announcement to AIM that the production facility at Raub was being placed into a temporary care and maintenance period, and the shares of the Company were requested to be suspended from trading on the AIM market, while the Group reviewed its financing and working capital requirements.
The decision to suspend operations at the Raub facility came following discussions with the Malaysian environmental authorities regarding additional operational requirements which the authorities had sought to attach to the environmental consent which governs operations at the Raub project. In particular the authorities had requested changes relating to the location of RAGM's tailings storage facilities which would require significant changes to its tailings management plan. Given the onset of the monsoon season at the time, when tailings management is particularly important, RAGM took the prudent decision to halt gold production at Raub pending resolution of this matter which has recently been resolved, as announced to the market on 1 June 2015.
On 12 December 2014 the Group announced that it has arranged an extension of its convertible loan notes of £1.2 million, which were due to mature on 22nd December 2014. The loan notes were extended until 23rd June 2015 and management expect a further deferral to be agreed shortly.
The Group also negotiated an extension of capital repayments on its borrowing facilities with Bank
Rakyat and with Alkhair International Islamic Bank Bhd ("Alkhair"), which were due to commence in December 2014. An initial extension on both facilities was made to March 2015, with Alkhair agreeing prior to 31st December 2014 and Bank Rakyat agreeing after 31st December
2014, with a further extension since agreed to June 2015. Bank Rakyat has now agreed an additional, partial deferral to November 2015. Management expect a similar extension to be granted by Alkhair.
As announced to AIM on 23rd January 2015, the Group raised £1.8 million through the issue of convertible loan notes, to meet the Group's immediate working capital requirements and to assist with work to re­start the production facility at Raub.
In June 2015, the Group is seeking additional funding of up to £4 million and is currently in discussions with several potential investors.
Management consider that the cost of re­starting production at Raub will be approximately
£520,000. Works to restart the plant at Raub will take place in late June and early July 2015. Following the re­commencement of production, operations at Raub are expected to be cash positive. The funding to be raised in June 2015 is expected to be sufficient to meet the restart costs
at Raub, and the working capital requirements of the company, including commencement of capital repayments on the bank finance facilities with Bank Rakyat and with Alkhair.
The directors consider that the above matters, and primarily the requirement to raise additional funding, represent a material uncertainty regarding the going concern position of the group. The interim report does not contain any adjustments to the value of assets and liabilities that would arise if the group is not able to raise the necessary funding.

2. Property, Plant and Equipment Furniture, Mining Leasehold Assets Total Plant & Motor Fittings & Assets Land Under Equipment Buildings Vehicles Equipment Renovation Construction £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Cost 2,910,104 415,361 504,930 325,287 198,180 48,702,307 91,451 ­ 53,147,620

At 1st July 2014

Additions 267 ­ 340,099 809 ­ 115,858 ­ ­ 457,033

Disposal (450,876) ­ (207,093) ­ ­ (571,642) ­ ­ (1,229,611) Currency translation

difference 14,873 (5,337) 2,580 1,661 1,013 256,362 467 ­ 271,619

At 31st December

2014 2,474,368 410,024 640,516 327,757 199,193 48,502,885 91,918 ­ 52,646,661

Accumulated depreciation

At 1st July 2014 2,344,605 392,268 345,498 153,010 101,686 6,205,762 64,016 ­ 9,606,845

Charge for the





















Currency translation











At 31st December

2014 1,914,844 397,626 222,717 169,671 112,166 6,844,044 68,939 ­ 9,730,007

Net Book Value

At 31st December

2014 559,524 12,398 417,799 158,086 87,027 41,658,841 22,979 ­ 42,916,654

At 30th June 2014 565,500 23,093 159,432 172,149 96,494 42,496,672 27,435 ­ 43,540,775

At 31st December

2013 559,028 32,008 205,763 197,901 103,912 12,245,381 32,362 30,997,319 44,373,674

Assets under construction refer to the construction works for the upgrade to the Carbon­In­Leach Plant, which was brought into operation in June 2014 and reclassified into Mining Assets.

Leasehold land refers to a piece of land, owned by S.E.R.E.M. Malaysia Sdn Bhd, to which mining certificate MC511 relates.

3. Other Intangible Assets ­ Mining Reserves and Resources 31st December 2014 31st December 2013 30th June 2014 Cost (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) £ £ £

Opening balance 17,378,478 17,378,478 17,378,478


Opening balance 3,725,530 2,967,208 2,967,208
Charge for the period 76,253 427,726 758,322

Closing balance 3,801,783 3,394,934 3,725,530

Net book value 13,576,695 13,983,544 13,652,948

Other intangible assets comprise mineral properties including mining licences and rights.
The Group's mining assets were valued by independent experts prior to the acquisition of the subsidiaries on 17th June 2005 and these valuations were considered to be relevant and unimpaired at the financial reporting date. The valuation was based upon the defined reserves, resources and the Group's prospecting interests. Valuation techniques most relevant to the asset type, as considered by the independent valuer, were applied and included discounted cash flows for the defined reserves, comparable transaction method for the inferred resources and the Geoscience Factor method for mineral titles.
No revenue has been generated from SEREM in the financial period ended 31st December 2014 from its mineral reserves. Hence, there is no amortisation of mining reserves and resources for SEREM.

4. Mining Development Expenditure 31st December 2014 31st December 2013 30th June 2014 Cost (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) £ £ £

Opening balance 9,288,764 9,858,079 9,858,079
Currency translation difference 47,473 (1,009,762) (1,106,474) Additions 20,022 200,536 537,159

Closing balance 9,356,259 9,048,853 9,288,764


Opening balance 2,026,127 1,911,692 1,911,692
Currency translation difference 9,724 (205,979) (226,447) Amortisation for the period 31,754 182,981 340,882

Closing balance 2,067,605 1,888,694 2,026,127

Net Book Value 7,288,654 7,160,159 7,262,637

The directors are of the view that there will be sufficient future revenues from the extraction of gold to offset the mining development expenditure capitalised in the financial statements.

5. Inventories 31st December 2014 31st December 2013 30th June 2014 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) £ £ £

Spare parts and consumables 454,730 657,637 553,383
Ore stockpiles Work­ in­ progress Finished goods

6. Other Receivables

4,301,645 3,494,886 3,728,210

31st December 2014 31st December 2013 30th June 2014 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) £ £ £

Other receivables, deposits and prepayments 610,197 1,052,949 948,904

7. Cash and Cash Equivalents 31st December 2014 31st December 2013 30th June 2014 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) £ £ £

Cash at bank and in hand 118,609 203,849 247,038

8. Trade and Other Payables 31st December 2014 31st December 2013 30th June 2014 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) £ £ £

Trade payables 9,963,057 8,495,139 10,788,886
Other payables and accruals 6,781,155



16,744,212 12,170,860 13,508,340
Less: non­current portion (Note 13) (570,000) (510,000) (540,000)

16,174,212 11,660,860 12,968,340

9. Borrowings 31st December 2014 31st December 2013 30th June 2014 Current Portion (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) £ £ £

Bank loans 18,190,534 2,584,756 18,451,783
Convertible loans
Hire purchase obligations



19,671,500 3,773,251 19,684,733

Non­current Portion

Bank loans ­ 16,377,394 ­ Preference shares ­ debt portion 664,000 664,000 664,000
Hire purchase obligations 336,513



1,000,513 17,223,036 815,216

Classification of Borrowings

The bank loans are presented as current liabilities, as at 31st December 2014 the Group was still awaiting the written confirmation from its principal lender, Bank Rakyat Kerjasama Malaysia Bhd ("Bank Rakyat"), of its verbally given agreement to defer the commencement of scheduled payments due to the Bank until June 2015. Confirmation of the agreement to defer commencement of payments was given after the period end. Also at 31st December 2014, The Group did not meet the required Finance Service Cover Ratio on the Alkhair bank loan, although Alkhair bank had agreed, before 31 December 2014, to the deferral of repayments until March 2015 and subsequently until June 2015. The presentation of the bank obligations in these interim results as current liabilities represents the accounting treatment necessary to comply with IAS 1"Presentation of Financial Statements".
The Group also negotiated an extension of capital repayments on its borrowing facilities with Bank Rakyat and with Alkhair International Islamic Bank Bhd ("Alkhair"), which were due to commence in December 2014. An initial extension on both facilities was made to March 2015, with a further extension since agreed to June 2015. Bank Rakyat has now agreed an additional, partial deferral to November
2015. Management expect a similar extension to be granted by Alkhair.

Bank Loans

All bank loans are secured by way of a debenture over all the assets and undertakings of RAGM, a third party charge over a property owned by a company under common control and corporate guarantees provided by the Parent Company.

Convertible Loan Notes

Upon redemption of the loan notes by the Company, either at maturity or earlier, a noteholder is entitled to receive from the Company an additional payment equal to the number of convertible loan notes to be redeemed by the relevant noteholder divided by 0.12 and multiplied by 3 pence. If all convertible loan notes are redeemed and not converted this would result in an additional payment of
The convertible loan notes were extended in December 2014 for six months until 23rd June 2015. This resulted in a loss of £155,861 on extinguishment of the liability on the previous agreement.

Convertible Loan Notes (Continued)

The net proceeds received from the issue of convertible loan notes were split between the liability and the equity portions as follows:­

31st December 2014 31st December 2013 30th June 2014 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) £ £ £

1,200,000 convertible loan notes




Less: transaction cost




Transaction costs amortised




Amount classified as
1,200,000 1,185,294 1,192,647
equity (54,054) (54,054) (54,054)

Loss on extinguishment of convertible

loan notes 155,861 ­ ­

interest 73,780

­ 37,479

Carrying amount 1,375,587 1,130,988 1,176,072

Hire Purchase Obligations

Hire purchase agreements are subject to fixed interest rates ranging from 2.29% to 3.65%.

10. Provision for mine restoration 31st December 2014 31st December 2013 30th June 2014 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) £ £ £

Opening balance




Unwinding of discount




Currency translation difference




Closing balance




Provision for restoration of the mine site at Raub is based on management's best estimate of the present value of future costs required. The estimates are based on assumptions such as the extent and cost of required rehabilitation activities. These uncertainties may result in the actual future expenses being different from the amounts currently provided.

11. Share Capital and Stated Capital Account (a) Share Capital 31st December 2014 31st December 2013 30th June 2014 Company

Unlimited ordinary shares of £Nil par value each
Allotted, called up and fully paid
85,986,550 ordinary shares of £Nil par value each
2,000,000 preference shares of £Nil par value each

(Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) £ £ £

­ ­ ­

­ ­ ­
­ ­ ­

­ ­ ­

(b) Stated Capital Account

At 1st July 2014 and at

2014 £

31st December 2014 40,897,957

12. Translation reserve

Assets and liabilities of foreign consolidated subsidiaries are translated into United Kingdom Sterling at the rate of exchange ruling at the balance sheet date.
Revenue and expenses are translated at the average exchange rates for the period. All resulting translation differences are included in a translation reserve in equity.
The closing rates used in the translation of foreign currency monetary assets and liabilities are as follows:

United Kingdom Sterling


Malaysian Ringgit


United Kingdom Sterling


United States Dollars


United States Dollars


Malaysian Ringgit


13. Dividends

Included in the Financing Costs is an amount of £30,000 in respect of 2,000,000 redeemable, convertible 6% preference shares' dividends. In accordance with the share subscription agreement, preference dividends should be accrued from the date of issuance to the conversion date or the redemption date. The accumulated amount of preference dividends has now amounted to £570,000 since the issue of the said
shares at £0.50 per share on 27th May 2005, as indicated in trade and other payables.

14. Loss Before Tax

Loss before tax for the period are arrived at after charging the following:

31st December 2014 31st December 2013 30th June 2014

Cost of sales

(Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) £ £ £

Cost of production
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment

Operating & administrative expenses

Audit fees ­ current
­ underprovision in prior year Depreciation of property, plant and equipment Amortisation of mining development expenditure
(Profit)/loss on disposal of fixed assets (21,172) ­ 8,053
Amortisation of other intangible assets 76,253 427,726 758,322
Amortisation of issue costs for convertible loan notes 7,353 378 7,353
Amortisation of transaction costs for bank loan
Rental of premises

15. Income Tax Expense

The Parent Company is subject to Jersey income tax at a rate of 0%.
Malaysian Corporation Tax is provided on taxable profits at the appropriate rate for subsidiary companies located in Malaysia. Income tax for the financial period is derived by using the Malaysian tax rate of 25% (2013: 25%).

Tax reconciliation: Group 31st December 2014 (Unaudited) £

Loss before taxation (4,278,067) Income tax using Malaysian tax rate (1,069,517)
Disallowed expenses 1,431,059
Effect of timing difference on mining allowance and
capital allowance (361,542)


16. Loss per share

The calculation of loss per share is based on the loss for the period after taxation and on the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period as below:­

Basic and diluted loss per share 31st December 201 31st December 2013 30th June 2014 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) £ £ £

Loss used in calculation (4,278,067) (2,837,459) (4,306,343)
Weighted average number of ordinary shares
85,986,550 85,986,550 85,986,550

Basic and diluted loss per share (4.97p) (3.30p) (5.01p) The redeemable preference shares and convertible loan notes are non­dilutive.

17. Segmental information

Currently all revenues, profits and losses before tax and the carrying value of assets and liabilities arise from the production and sale of gold doré bars and activities related to the upgrade of the carbon­in­leach plant and gold mining and exploration activity within Malaysia.

18. Capital Commitments 31st December 2014 31st December 2013 30th June 2014 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) £ £ £

Authorised and contracted for 4,094,930 4,059,617 4,074,109

The above amount relates to the expansion of the carbon­in­leach plant (CIL).

­Ends­ For further information:

Dato' Sri Andrew TY Kam

Chairman and Chief Executive

Peninsular Gold Limited

Tel: +60 (0)3 2698 8381

Patrick Watson

Finance Director

Peninsular Gold Ltd.

Tel: +44 (0)7799 885653

Samantha Harrison / Stephen

Francavilla/Steve Allen Nominated Advisor Ambrian Partners Limited Tel: +44 (0)20 3440 6800

Martin Lampshire


Daniel Stewart & Co. Ltd. Tel: +44 (0)20 7776 6550

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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