Comparison Chart Pegasus Hotels of Ceylon PLC




End-of-day quote Colombo S.E. 03:30:00 27/05/2024 am IST 5-day change 1st Jan Change
26.6 LKR +2.31% Intraday chart for Pegasus Hotels of Ceylon PLC +2.31% +20.91%
"Total Return" performance includes dividend payments over the period, as if they were reinvested at 100%.
End-of-day quotes

Compared values

Sector Change 5d. change 1st Jan change 1-year change 5-years change Capi. ST MT LT
PEGASUS HOTELS OF CEYLON PLC+2.31%+2.31%+20.91%+3.10%+17.18% 37.38L - - -

Technical Rankings Surperformance