Patient Access Solutions, Inc. announced that Patient Access Solutions, (PASO) Hestia Insight through its subsidiary Hestia Health, and US Stem Cell will form a Consortium business model for the treatment of individuals with anxiety and depression. Anxiety disorders affect 40 million adults and one in eight children in the United States. They interfere with daily functioning and often lead to depression, substance abuse, suicide attempts and other disorders. Depressive disorders affect about 19 million American adults. More than 50% of people diagnosed with depression also have an anxiety disorder. Coexisting anxiety and depression account for the most disabling mental health disorders in the United States. They are coming out of a difficult period, with the COVID-19 pandemic, and believe there are many innovative technologies that should be introduced in the healthcare industry and commercialized. Using Trancranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) will optimize the brain function. In recent years, the team has demonstrated that the results from treatment can lead to remarkable clinical improvements in many neuropsychiatric disorders. Hestia Health, US Stem Cell, and Patient Access Solutions will provide the facility locations and all business narratives including funding/financing, branding, patient awareness campaigns, licensing, facility build outs, and billing.