7 January 2015

ANNOUNCEMENT Non-­‐renounceable  entitlements  issue  -  extension  to  closing  date  

On  5  December  2014,  Pacific  Niugini  Limited  (ACN  003  207  467)  (ASX  Code:  PNR)  (Company)  announced  a  non-­‐renounceable  entitlement  issue  of  1  Share  for  every  4  Shares  held  to  raise  approximately  $3,924,540  (before  costs  of  the  offer)  (Rights  Issue  Offer).    

A   number   of   shareholders   or   their   representatives   have   indicated   difficulty   in   meeting   the  issue   timeline   due   to   disruptions   to   the   normal   course   of   business   over   the   Christmas   and  New   Year   period.   The   Company   has   received   requests   to   extend   the   closing   date   of   the  Rights   Issue   Offer   to   enable   more   shareholders   to   participate   and   accordingly   the   directors  have   resolved   to   extend   the   closing   date   of   the   Rights   Issue   Offer   until   5.00pm   (WST)   on  Wednesday  28  January  2015.    

A  revised  indicative  timetable  is  outlined  below  (with  revised  new  dates  highlighted  in  grey).    

Lodgement  of  Prospectus  with  the  ASIC  

5  December  2014

Lodgement  of  Prospectus  and  Appendix  3B  with  ASX  

5  December  2014

Notice  sent  to  Optionholders  

5  December  2014

Notice  sent  to  Shareholders  

9  December  2014

Ex  date  

10  December  2014

Record  Date  for  determining  Entitlements  

7pm  Sydney  time  12  December  


Prospectus  sent  out  to  Shareholders  &  Company  

announces  this  has  been  completed  

17  December  2014

Last  day  Company  can  extend  Closing  Date  

9  January  2015

Closing  Date*  

28  January  2015

Securities  quoted  on  a  deferred  settlement  basis*  

29  January  2015

ASX  notified  of  under  subscriptions  

2  February  2015

Issue  date/Securities  entered  into  Shareholders'  

security  holdings/  dispatch  of  holding  statements*  

3  February  2015

Official  Quotation  of  Securities  issued  under  the  Offer*  

4  February  2015

Pacific  Niugini  Limited  

ABN:  30  003  207  467  

T:08  9215  6005  |   F:08  9220  5757  |   E:admin@niugini.com.au  |   W:www.niugini.com.au  Level  3,  18-­‐32  Parliament  Place,  West  Perth  6872

*  The  Directors  may  extend  the  Closing  Date  by  giving  at  least  3  Business  Days'  notice  to  ASX  prior  to  the  Closing  Date.    As  such  the  date  the  Securities  are  expected  to  commence  trading  on  ASX  may  vary.  
For  further  information  please  contact  the  Company.  


Enquiries  -  Paul  Cmrlec,  Managing  Director,  (08)  9215  6005


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