A total of 466 educational certificates and degrees of employees of Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) were found fake, bogus and tempered in five years from June, 2014 to June 2019.

The Ministry of Aviation had given a detailed list of these employees to the Senate Secretariat along with the information about the action taken against the fake degree holders.

The ministry had conveyed to the Senate that the PIA was devising a policy for an early verification of credentials during probationary period of the employee and he/she would only be confirmed after the verification of educational documents.

Furthermore, any person having fake degree could not escape from his liability on the ground of limitations as the submission of fake degree was an offence under the law.

According to PIA management, everything in that matter had been done strictly in accordance with the law and judgments of the Supreme Court.

In PIA at present there was no policy regarding verification of educational documents within 90 days from the date of initial appointment.

© Pakistan Press International, source Asianet-Pakistan